On Sun, 12 Mar 2000, Jeff Williams wrote:

> Joe and all IDNO'ers,
>   I don't believe William should just go away.  He does have a right to
> speak his mind.  However I would strongly suggest that he either
> make his case in a court of proper jurisdiction, and at that time and
> in that venue, present his evidence.  My strong guess is that he will
> not do so for one of all of the following reasons:

I agree - but the problem here is that Walsh is outside the IDNO mandate -
the IDNO is a membership organization - it is clear that Walsh wants it to
fail.  So his only purpose is to distroy it - I suggest walsh just make a
motion to all the membership to vote on winding up the idno, instead of
endless Walsh dribble.  I swear the idno is nothing more then a walsh
diapering service, and walsh has been soiling alot of diapers.

Unlike the GA farce under the Roberto-Harald hitlerite dynasty, the
membership of the idno controls it's destiny.  I'm satified of that.

Now - I attack the GA and ICANN - because I feel they are evil to the
social welfare of the net.  They deny democratic association, run
fradulent elections - which are later explained off as being Roberto's
little experiment.  The GA is a royal joke, and they were given sufficient
evidence of that in cairo from the CDT - even President Mubarak stood them
up - and rightly so.

Now the IDNO does not have any of that crap I call the Harald-Roberto
show.  I feel confident that when I vote at the IDNO - my vote
counts.  Unlike the Harald-Roberto electoral fraud jerk off sessions.

So as you know - Walsh supports the GA.  In fact I think the history of
the GA four horse shitters is well established in internet mythology.

So I'd like to point out here to the membership - that clearly the only
conlcusion we can make is that Mr. Walsh supports a GA which has clearly
received an international slap on the wrist - while he destroys a good
democratic organization like the IDNO.

Now - the folly of Mr. Walsh's effort, is that he must be clearly
deranged, suffers from some psychological maladjustment, or the poor boy
clearly has too much time on his hands.  He is clearly not thinking
straight.  Because the IDNO is small patatoes.

The IDNO in my opinion is a good idea - but it is irrelevant.  It is no
treat to ICANN, it's small patatoes.  In fact the IDNO is slightly less
irrelvant them Walsh in the big schema of things.  And until we get a full
membership - it going to remain to be nothing.

So you see Jeff, Walsh somehow seems to have the time to attempt to
destroy something that is somewhat irrelevant in the first place.  I don't
know how this man spends his time - but it certaining is not in
contructive work.

Now - let us examine Walsh a bit further.  For all the ass licking that
walsh has been giving the GA - I non the less note, that he's done nothing
for them.  He's their yes man - and I predict soon Walsh will stab Harald
and Roberto in the back.  After all when you lick ass your in a good
position to drive the knife home, if you follow the politikal meaning

So - since Walsh does not support the IDNO, and he's very clear he wants
it shut down - I say give him his walking papers and let his fly home to
the GA.  And let all the members decide on expulsion.

But subject this to certain limitation.  1) he is to be allowed back in
when the IDNO is a member of the DNSO, or 2) Have him accepted back if he
appologizes and writes two nice newsgroup messages per day about the idno.

You know what I mean Jeff.  This man is testimony to the failure of social
welfare.  Here we have a man living of the avails of the state, your and
my tax dollars - and he spends his day on a computer building up hate in
himself, in others.  Walsh has more enemies then cats have nine lives.

I'm more loved then Walsh - and that says alot about Walsh.  Userfriendly

I've been thinking about fixing Walsh.  I have the ability to target
market Walsh's neighbourhood, and the entire social service department of
california.  I goind to think about this - because if he does not stop
misbehaving in the IDNO - I don't care about anywhere else.  But if
anything bad happens - and I suspect our evil walsh is behind - then it
may just be time for me to ask walsh's community to help walsh.

We don't have time to allow a social welfare failure, and I don't mean his
unemployed state, i'm talking about the failure of the social welfare
system in offering people like Mr. Walsh - meaninful employment,
meaningful income - and the necessary support to make them meaningful
members of society.

It's shameful what I see happening in social welfare.  We end up with
people who through neglict become social misfits.  But if I do that - you
know - it involves a budget.  I have to expend dollars to do that.  So
will see.

Today at least Walsh is not worth the effort for me to press the right
buttons to make his peanut crake.  But at least we have the option, which
is nice to know.

Joe Baptista

> 1.) He doesn't 't have adequate evidence to make such a legal case.
> 2.) He does not have the where with all to bring such a case.
> 3.) He knows full well that should either # 1 or # 2 not be true that he
>      could likely not make his case in a proper or competent court of
>      jurisdiction as his incessant ramblings would be used as rebuttal
>      evidence against him leading to such a potential case being laughed
>      our of court. (Immediately dismissed)
>   Therefore, I can only reasonably and I believe, properly again conclude
> that William X. Walsh is, and has been engaging in pure speculation based
> on his very limited and terribly lacking knowledge base.  In short, FUD...
>   I thank all of the IDNO members for their indulgence of my response
> here.  However I felt compelled to respond as William X. Whalsh's
> rantings and hysterical postings towards members of this organization
> are entirely or likely entirely based, on no stable foundation.  Further
> it is MHO, that William X. Walsh is at least in part not in control of
> all of his mental faculties.
> !Dr. Joe Baptista wrote:
> > If you feel that's the case William - go away.
> >
> > Regards
> > Joe
> >
> > On Sat, 11 Mar 2000, William X. Walsh wrote:
> >
> > > Hash: SHA1
> > >
> > >
> > > On 11-Mar-2000 Joop Teernstra wrote:
> > > > If compromise is needed, let's work on compromise.
> > >
> > > There is no compromise needed.   The IDNO has failed.  There is no need to
> > > accomodate it anymore.
> > >
> > > - --
> > > William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > http://userfriendly.com/
> > > Fax: 877-860-5412 or +1-559-851-9192
> > > GPG/PGP Key at http://userfriendly.com/wwalsh.gpg
> > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > > Version: GnuPG v1.0.1c (Mandrake Linux)
> > > Comment: Userfriendly Networks http://www.userfriendly.com/
> > >
> > > iD8DBQE4ynQf8zLmV94Pz+IRAkjqAKC8q70etM10xC0QZxY+FKGhVTrTNACfWtuZ
> > > VHhsZzsrqf0m5MHpaHboU/g=
> > > =cyON
> > > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Idno-discuss mailing list
> > > http://listserver.actrix.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/idno-discuss
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Idno-discuss mailing list
> > http://listserver.actrix.co.nz/mailman/listinfo/idno-discuss
> Regards,
> --
> Jeffrey A. Williams
> Spokesman INEGroup (Over 95k members strong!)
> CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
> Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
> Contact Number:  972-447-1894
> Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208

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