[IFWP] Re: Basket and eggs, was Re: ICANN and IBM

1999-09-29 Thread J. Baptista
Kent - on the 26th you mentioned a survey of nameservers. What is that survey called - and where can I find it. When I first asked these questions JeffW said you were lying. Is he right, or does such a survey exist. Please be brave Kent, and answer the question. Regards Joe On Tue, 28 Sep 19

[IFWP] Re: Basket and eggs, was Re: ICANN and IBM

1999-09-28 Thread J. Baptista
Pity - we will be incorporating a root server check into our bind2000 survey. If even a slim survey exists I would be interested in seeing it. I hope your wrong and Kent is not full of hot air. Too much hot air in these conferences. But winter is here, so it may not be such a bad thing, all th

[IFWP] Re: Basket and eggs, was Re: ICANN and IBM

1999-09-25 Thread Jeff Williams
Ed and all, Well done here Ed. You couldn't be more correct. But as you can tell from John Patricks own words, is that this is not of great concern to the GIP , IBM or the ICANN for that matter. Ed Gerck wrote: > John: > > I applaud your initiative of coming forward with a reasoning for the