Diane Cabell wrote:
> For those of you heading to ICANN's LA meeting, the Berkman Center will
> be holding a briefing program on Sunday, October 31.  Our students are
> researching key issues so that participants will have more of the
> relevant data that bears on the decisions ahead.

That is, relevant to the POV of the Berkman Center, which is that
ICANN is perforce the NewCo, that all opposition is useless, and
that the only questions that remain to be resolved are how ICANN
will implement its policy. The Berkman Center is not an objective
forum. It is a partner of ICANN, from start to finish. 

> The agenda will include discussions on Consensus, Openness/Transparency
> (including some model bylaws), and Expansion of gTLDs.

What useful discussion of consensus and openness can be held at the
Berkman Center, when it is they who eliminated the only chance for
consensus and openness we had: the IFWP? What interest have they in
new gTLDs, when they support the policies of the trademark interests
that created ICANN, for whom new TLDs are anathema?

>  The day will
> wrap up with a consideration of ICANN's first year of operation.

The Berkman Center will, as always, tell us that ICANN just needs a
little tweeking but that it is on the right track and is inevitable.
Like Kent Crispin, David Crocker, and the other CORE/ISOC public
operatives, the Berkman Center takes the part of the third man in
the work of eliminating opposition: to convince by verbal argument
that opposition is useless, while the victims are held down and

Michael Sondow           I.C.I.I.U.     http://www.iciiu.org
Tel. (718)846-7482                        Fax: (603)754-8927

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