Some Root Operators Refuse to Sign on to ICANN/DOC Project

By Nick Patience 

Last week the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and 
Numbers (ICANN) distributed a memorandum of participation (MoP) 
to the operators of the 13 root servers that maintain the 
internet's address book of domain names. 

The latest version of the document, which ComputerWire has 
seen, affirms the operator's willingness to participate in the 
Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) that has 
been signed by ICANN, the Department of Commerce and its 
agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology 
(NIST) to come up with ways of formalizing the relationship 
between the root server operators and establishing formal 
procedures for the operation of the server network. 

According to sources, at least three of the operators have 
refused to sign as of press time but, as none of them will talk 
to the press, it is difficult to ascertain the exact number. 

The MoP gives the operator the option of withdrawing from the 
list of participating operators and does not create any legal 
liability on the part of the metaphor or his or her company or 
organization. It says work plans developed by the research 
project will have to be approved jointly by ICANN and Commerce 
before being put into effect. And the operator is obliged to 
operate the root in the manner agreed upon as part of the 
project - although it is not clear if they are still obligated 
to do so if they have withdrawn their name from the list of 
project contributors.

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