This email has been cesored to protect the innocent.  I agree with the
writer - if walsh got more sex he'd be better off.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 <censored>
From: censored
Subject: Re: Cybersquatting and FOURNIER.COM (fwd)

Yes, thank you, I DID in fact <censored> lot about the <censored>, more
than I <censored>, but <censored>

As for Walsh and Co., yeah, I recognise the type (hence the <censored> 
about <censored>).  And I do appreciate knowing that there are 
non-self-absorbed types that really understand what the score is.

In fact, before I <censored>, <censored>, AND his <censored> my <censored>
before <censored>!

He *might* get more sex if he wasn't in front of his computer so much!

Thanks for your help, and best regards.

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