I wonder whey I find William's last statement so familier?
"What was most telling about this report was how this official twisted
what was said, and turned it for his own purpose." Could it be that
he is guilty of doing this himself? Hu???
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August
Michael Sondow wrote:
> Yes, they don't seem to realize the respect accorded the ACLU and
> that, by attempting to demean it, they are just hurting themselves.
> I thought "global village idiot" was a particularly apt phrase,
> didn't you?
I find it always amazing how some people that ho
William X. Walsh wrote:
> Tuesday, August 24, 1999, 3:35:05 AM, Michael Sondow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The following Ministerial Media Release is available at:
> >
> > ACLU president insults Australia
> > The President of the Ame