> Intel actually sells MLC instead of SLC ( iirc they had a series with SLC
> but they are to expensive, not sure if they sell those further )
> They do.  As you note, they are more expensive per bit than MLC.
The last thing i heard of, was that they now use HET MLC instead of SLC. So
all actual series uses those newer MLC-Chips
sorry, i didn't found it in english. Shortly it says: SLC is out HET-MLC
(only) is in.

> Intel SSD (actual series afaik MLC) compensate the different endurance
> with more memory-chips and the controller software that round-robins
> the writings over the entire disk except a reserved space for dying cells.
> Same as it ever was. Wear-leveling.

Yup, whats the point now here?
Not everyone knows about this technique, so i mentioned it explicitly.
i guess some others, with may be less experience, are also reading our

> And yes there are manufacturers with much cleaner production and higer
> quality of the memory-chips.
> Did I not say, "Intel, Crucial/Micron, Samsung"?

if i remember correctly YES. did i said anything different? o_O
my statement was a confirmation and slightly explanation how it comes to
those quality differences. ;-)

it lets you guess also how good the quality of other products from the same
company is.
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