On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:45 PM, Adrian Zaugg <a...@ente.limmat.ch> wrote:

> In our network there are two gateways configured with CARP. It runs all
> well, as it should, except if I produce heavy load, something like
> 80-100MByte/s on the gateway, CARP switches (just) the LAN interface of
> the master to backup. All network traffic is halted for a moment, since
> the WAN interface is still on master and my connection get dropped.
> After a short while, CARP switches back to the original state and
> everything works again. Does this sound like a misconfiguration or is
> this an expected behaviour?

Get faster hardware. I have a constant rate of over 120Mbps flowing from my
LAN out the WAN and never see any CARP addresses switch over without the
whole server going down or intentionally turning off CARP on the master.

Very important is what NICs you have. I always use Intel NICs with FreeBSD,
which gives the most reliable service in my experience.
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