
I have pfsense 2.1-BETA1 on alix board.
I've installed snort pkg v. 2.5.4 without problems but I have
problem updating its rules.I have provided an Oink code and try to update
and it shows  a progress "Downloading snort.org md5 file..."  and "The
Rules update has finished..." but under Snort Interfaces -> Categories
nothing shows up.
Under Status -> System logs:
Apr 3 21:18:49php: /snort/snort_download_rules.php: The Rules update has
finished...Apr 3 21:18:49php: /snort/snort_download_rules.php: Please
wait... You may only check for New Rules every 15 minutes...Apr 3 21:18:49php:
/snort/snort_download_rules.php: Snort MD5 Attempts: 5

Any suggestions please?

thank you
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