If you want control over whitespace as you parse, try using the "all"
refinement and including a whitespace charset in your parse pattern.

>> s-char: charset [#"^(line)" #"^(tab)" #" "]
== make bitset! #{
>> s: [s-char]
== [s-char]
>> s?: [any s-char]
== [any s-char]
>> s+: [some s-char]
== [some s-char]

>> parse/all "      " s
== false
>> parse/all " " s
== true
>> parse/all "" s
== false

>> parse/all "    " s?
== true
>> parse/all " " s?
== true
>> parse/all "" s?
== true

>> parse/all "    " s+
== true
>> parse/all " " s+
== true
>> parse/all "" s+
== false

Then we can control where space is allowed, and how much:

>> parse/all "the radio" ["the" s "radio"]
== true
>> parse/all "the   radio   " ["the" s "radio"]
== false
>> parse/all "the   radio   " [s? "the" s+ "radio" s?]
== true

The "all" refinement makes the parse command whitespace-sensitive. There's
also a "case" refined to make comparisons case-sensitive. Note that I'm
using ? and + as part of the words s? and s+, they aren't reserved as
"operators" as they may be in other languages.

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 4:04 PM
> Subject:      [REBOL] Parse question Re:
> > Hi
> > The question:
> >
> > Why if
> >         parse "the radio" ["the" "radio"]
> >         parse "the         radio" ["the" "radio"]
> >         parse "       the         radio" ["the" "radio"]
> >
> > are all true,
> >
> >         parse "       the         radio " ["the" "radio"]
> >
> > is false?
> I think it's because of how rules are applied. The first rule says, -
> does "the" matches the input string? If so, it ignores spaces, and tries
> to do second part of your rule, so it tries to match "radio".
> Try this:
> space: #" "
> parse "     the     radio" [any space "the" "radio"]
> ;hmm, I thought even "some space" should work, but it doesn't. It also
> count for the space at the end of the string:
> space: #" "
> parse "     the     radio  " [any space "the" "radio" any space] ;or
> space: #" "
> parse "     the     radio" [any space "the" "radio" to end] ; or
> space: #" "
> parse "     the     radio" [thru "the" "radio" to end]
> but i think parse should ignore spaces in the beginning and in the end
> of the string, as it ignores them between the words. Or just use trim on
> your string:
> ->> parse trim "     the     radio " ["the" "radio"]
> == true
> Hope this helps,
> Regards,
> -pekr-
> >
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > --
> > Luis Marzulli
> > e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Caracas, VENEZUELA
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
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