Thanks!! It worked.
At 02:47 PM 1/19/00 -0800, you wrote:
>>;;;query-string is redefined to simulate input from a form
>>query-string: "name=tim&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&phone=9005551212"       
>>cgi: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string
>cgi: make object! decode-cgi query-string
>will work in your example, as will
>"name=tim&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&phone=9005551212"       
>cgi: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string
>You are creating a global word query-string here =>
>>query-string: "name=tim&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&phone=9005551212"       
>however you are passing decode-cgi a different query-string word embedded
>in an object here:
>>cgi: make object! decode-cgi system/options/cgi/query-string
>this .../cgi/query-string is a different query-string from your query-string.
>This has to do with contexts. The object cgi, in the path system/options
>has its own context and system/options/cgi/query-string is limited to the
>cgi object's context (unless its context is extended by referencing it from
>outside the cgi object. Don't worry about that just now.) When you create
>query-string as a glocal word - which is what happens by default when you
>do what you did - it does not affect the query-string in the context of cgi
>use probe system/options/cgi
>to see the contents of the cgi object.
>use =>
>"name=tim&[EMAIL PROTECTED]&phone=9005551212"       
>to more realistically simulate the situation you will encounter when you
>run the script as a cgi script.
>Hope this helps
>;- Elan >> [: - )]

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