
> Hi Steve,
> Yep we do speak Portuguese!
> Unfortunately I know nothing about the guy and the company you mentioned.
> You know, Brazil is a very large country and Amazonas is a state 6.000 km
> far from the place I live.

Wow, it is huge (even in km ;-).  There is much of the world I haven't
seen.  I bet it is beautiful down there.

> We that live at southern region of our country know very little about people
> at north and northeast regions. I'sorry to say but only when news come from
> tv is when we remember those places exist :-(
> If you really need to get news from this company or it's president I can try
> to search it for you.

It was presumptuous of me to think of Brazil as a monolithic culture
like the US.
Don't spend too much time.  Just said something because of your .br =

He seemed about 35-40 years old.  His generals of the revolution are now
his company officers.  He said they had all been in jail together, but
now he is very successful financially.
> By the way what kind of revolution was this guy in?

Was political, now its technical ;-)
> Carlos

Sorry about bandwidth usage,
Steve Shireman

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