Re: [WSG] The Decline of Print Styles

2006-12-01 Thread Niels Fröhling
I would love to hear of other well-printed sites though. I strongly believe in css for print but have seen far too few good examples of it. You may try You may even select the print-style as alternate style-sheet in FireFox. Ciao Niels

Re: [WSG] xhtml strict break tag bug?

2006-11-17 Thread Niels Fröhling
having a go trying to help a friend figure out why, in xhtml strict 1.0 the br / that are styled in the css style sheet as follows: .sidemenu br {line-height: 3px; . However in FF, Netscape and Mozilla it would appear the css style is being ignored. The space is too high IE and

Re: [WSG] Interesting article: Beneath the Metadata - Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy

2006-11-17 Thread Niels Fröhling
From D-Lib Magazine, v.12(11), 2006: Excellent. Indeed: ... The logical step [of MicroFormats to de-centralize behaviour and appearance of tag-groups] - to add semantic in any way

Re: [WSG] W3C's new Plan for HTML

2006-10-30 Thread Niels Fröhling
Anyway, does anyone else have any thoughts or speculation about this? I much agree with this: [and I AM a computer-junkie who loves math and science, but more so I'm humanist (- accessability, and I love to see my Grand-Ma reading my blog) and

Re: [WSG] Validates only EN?

2006-09-26 Thread Niels Fröhling
I note that you did mention an SGML parser in your message - was that relevant? (IE, Firefox, Safari are not SGML parsers.) Hmm, it was only meant as hint, that HTML was born out of SGML, and there is a plenty of (completely useless and missleading) conventions and definitions from

Re: [WSG] Validates only EN?

2006-09-26 Thread Niels Fröhling
Please name me a reason why that is invalid! OK, this falls under the heading of SGML stuff that doesn't matter unless you start playing with non-standard code, and I don't mess with that sort of thing, but I think: If you serve it with an XML content-type, it should AFAIK, be fine. If

Re: [WSG] Semantic syntax highlighting of PHP-code

2006-09-26 Thread Niels Fröhling
I am thankful for any tip, but my question was not about how I should go about implementing the highlighting in PHP. My question is what would be the best possible markup in the result, semantically speaking. ... The makers of HTML did some groundwork. They gave us the tags var, code,

Re: [WSG] Validate multiple (X)HTML pages

2006-09-25 Thread Niels Fröhling
The WDG validator can work recursively: ... although I think it has a depth limit (you could install a local copy and remove that limit though. My little Problem with it, is that it moans about the XHTML DTD:

Re: [WSG] Validates only EN? (was: Validate multiple (X)HTML pages)

2006-09-25 Thread Niels Fröhling
The WDG validator can work recursively: My little Problem with it, is that it moans about the XHTML DTD:, line 237, character 28: omitted tag minimization parameter can be omitted only if

Re: [WSG] Semantic syntax highlighting of PHP-code

2006-09-25 Thread Niels Fröhling
I am thinking about what would be the best way to do syntax highlighting of PHP-code. If one considers how PHP:s own syntax highlight function works, it produces a mess of inline-styles (or font-tags for the poor ones still doing PHP 4). See See also

Re: [WSG] Valid CSS please - ??

2006-09-25 Thread Niels Fröhling
The only other way (in my scenario) is to add a transparent image 'over' the background to line up with the div - but this is a bit of a 'fudge' and seems a shame when there is code to do the job. Do you know why it isn't valid? No idea. Opera and Safari support the CSS3 recommendation,

Re: [WSG] Validates only EN?

2006-09-25 Thread Niels Fröhling
!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//ES; EN is the language the DTD is written in, not the the document. That Doctype is just wrong. Hmm, what's the difference? ENTITY being ENTIDAD? I guess it's some left-over

Re: [WSG] OT: list-filter, was: Ultimate DOM-script strategy

2006-09-18 Thread Niels Fröhling
None of the messages I receive from this list has a List-Id header. Either it's not being sent, or it's being stripped out somewhere on its travels. I don't receive it either, but 'Return-Path' should do: Return-Path: It's unlikely to get this by PM. :)

[WSG] WebSites for idiots (was target=_blank)

2006-08-16 Thread Niels Fröhling
Web Standards are about catering for the future; it's safe to assume that as more people get onto the Internet then there ability for using the browser will improve. Please show me the statistical proofed concept for that statement. People get less stupid by using, not by becoming more

Re: [WSG] target=_blank

2006-08-14 Thread Niels Fröhling
I don't see how a class could describe an element (for UAs, not authors). If there was a known convention on possible values, then I'd agree to say that it could convey information (other than style), but AFAIK this is not the case. I may be missing something though, so I'd be happy to hear

Re: [WSG] Alternate Style Sheets

2006-04-07 Thread Niels Fröhling
Does anyone use alternate style sheets and/or style switchers? If so, have you found them to be useful? Yes, I've setup a governmental site that has to be accessible by incapacitated, that means offering different contrast-styles. So I decided to offer them as alternate styles as well.