I've already done this at http://jessey.net because it is already April 05 in some parts of the world.
Simon Jessey
----- Original Message -----
From: Ted Drake
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 11:48 AM
Subject: [WSG] get naked tomorrow with your css

Dustin Diaz is putting together a get naked day, tomorrow. Think of it as a global css flash mob-like thing. The goal is to have a bunch of people turn off their css for a day to show off their semantic purity.



This will be especially interesting for those who are still using handbuilt sites. So many of us have converted to Wordpress or Movabletype adaptations and will look pretty darn similar.  I’d love to do this for some of the business sites I’ve done, but that isn’t really appropriate.  So, if you have a personal site and want to join the fun, visit Dustin’s site and leave a comment. And at midnight tonight, disable your css.


Ted Drake

Front-end Engineer

Yahoo! Tech


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