       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

11 Useful Tools To Check, Clean & Optimize Your CSS File

Styling XFN and rel-license links - Opera Developer Community

10 Smart Javascript Techniques For Manipulating Content

Mike asks the CSS Guy about a scrolling trick with background images

Wiki Myths, Wiki Reality

12 resources for getting a jump on HTML 5


Redesigning with HTML 5 and WAI-ARIA

ActivityHorizon.com - what's doing?

Accessibility: Improved ARIA Support in the IE8 RC

Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG

TokBox - Live Video Calling

Using WAI ARIA Landmark Roles - The Paciello Group Blog

Whitelabel css

Web Design Trends For 2009

Cooliris - Discover More

User Experience Design doesn't need to be a big deal

Add Semantic Richness To Your Markup With (RDF) Ease

Web Development Project Estimator

Carry your life on a thumb drive (or iPod)

10 Ways to Improve Your Web Page Performance

Powering a Google search

Understanding the "Nofollow" Tag


Ignite Sydney
Date: 22-Jan-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
The idea is simple - make the presenters stick to a rigid format of 20
slides, each of which changes automatically after 15 seconds, giving a
guaranteed 5 minute presentation.

SIIA Information Industry Summit 2009
Date: 26-Jan-09
The premier executive forum for leaders of the digital information industry.
This annual Summit of industry leaders is one of the very few forums
providing strategic guidance to the information industry's senior business
leaders, bankers and technologists.

Web Directions North
Date: 2-Feb-09 to 7-Feb-09
City: Denver (Canada)
The focus on Web Directions has been, and remains, professional development.
Featuring 8 half day workshops, the brand new full day Ed Directions North,
for those teaching web professionals, and of course a two track, two day
conference, featuring 24 sessions.

Interaction 2009 - Vancouver
Date: 5-Feb-09 to 8-Feb-09
Join several hundred Interaction Designers from around the world as we
address the design of interactive systems of all types: applications (web
and desktop), mobile, consumer electronics, digitally enhanced environments,
and more. Start your year off with stimulating talk, fun parties, and smart
discussions about our growing field.

Launch48 - 48 hours to launch a web app
Date: 6-Feb-09 to 8-Feb-09
City: London (UK)
Launch48 is an event for anyone wishing to get involved in a new business
and launch a web app.  The event last 48 hours and the participants are
encouraged to work together to find an idea, develop the solution, and
launch the product within 48 hours.  There will be a range of people
attending from developers and designers to venture capitalists and
entrepreneurs.  The event is open to everyone although positions are

SMX West
Date: 10-Feb-09 to 12-Feb-09
City: California (USA)
With over 50 sessions, SMX delivers all of the search engine marketing
topics and trends you need to know to stay ahead of the curve ‹ whether
you¹re just getting started or an an SEM expert.

Date: 16-Feb-09 to 20-Feb-09
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
5 full-on days. 9 hands-on workshops. 26 kick ass speakers. 26 must see
presentations. Truckloads of design, development, user experience, web
standards, content, community, innovation and inspiration.

SXSW Interactive 2009
Date: 13-Mar-09 to 17-Mar-09
he SXSW INTERACTIVE FESTIVAL celebrates the creativity and passion behind
the coolest new media technologies. In addition to panel sessions that cover
everything from web design to bootstrapping to social networks, attendees
make new business connections at the three-day Trade Show & Exhibition.

MIX 09
Date: 18-Mar-09 to 20-Mar-09
If you¹re a designer or developer who builds on the web, MIX09 is the place
to learn about products and technologies that help you plan for the future
while addressing today¹s economic challenges. Hear about advances in
technologies like Silverlight, Expression, ASP.NET, Windows 7, and Windows
Azure, and discuss topics like design, user experience, web standards, data
visualization, workflow, and social networks. Learn how to use technology to
increase customer satisfaction and impact the bottom line.

XML Prague 2009
Date: 21-Mar-09
XML Prague is a conference on XML for developers, markup geeks, information
managers, and students. In its 4th year, XML Prague focuses on emerging
trends in core XML technologies and their application in the real world. XML
Prague conference will take place 21-22 March 2009 at Charles University in
the beautiful city of Prague, Czech Republic.

3d European eAccessibility Forum
Date: 30-Mar-09
This 3d European eAccessibility Forum will focus on the application of these
technologies for a better inclusion of people with disabilities at the
workplace. Various situations will be considered, covering different needs
related to training, mobility, access to information, communication.
Concrete cases will be discussed. Solutions will be presented, ranging from
commercial products to research prototypes.

SMX Search Analytics
Date: 31-Mar-09 to 01-Apr-09
City: Toronto (Canada)
Join us in Toronto for the first SMX Search Analytics conference! This event
is for search engine marketers who want to dive deep on the techniques for
improving ROI of both paid and organic search marketing campaigns. SMX
Search Analytics focuses on the processes and tools that help you maximize
campaign effectiveness.

Search Marketing Expo - Sydney
Date: 02-Apr-09 to 03-Apr-09
City: Sydney (Australia)
Search Marketing Expo returns to Sydney in April 2009 with an action packed
two day event, SMX Sydney¹s 2009 programming will include sessions designed
for all skill levels, from beginners all the way to advanced.

UIE Web App Summit 2009
Date: 19-Apr-09 to 22 -Apr-09
City:  Newport Beach, California (USA)
At the UIE Web App Summit, you'll meet the innovators and world-class
designers behind today's most successful web apps. We've carefully crafted
this four-day Summit to include two days of intensive full-day workshops on
form design, Ajax, RIAs, design deliverables, wireframes, accessibility,
design patterns, and web standards. We round out the conference with two
more days of featured presentations from world-renown experts, to give you
fresh perspectives and new insights on today's web app design challenges.


Job 1 - Web  Designer / Template Specialist
Full details here: http://www.itontap.com/employment-opportunities.html

Our Technologies
We  host our customer websites exclusively on Joomla 1.5.x, our shopping
cart is  Magento and we offer as standard features integration with
SugarCRM, payment  gateways and email marketing.

The Role
Our small  business customers love the end-to-end systems that we offer and
demand has  soared in recent months. Online marketing is a particular focus
at present  and, since that all starts with a website, we have a large - and
growing! - backlog of website design work for our clients. As a result  of
our growth, we need to add another talented and efficient web designer to
our team.

About You
There are a few essential must-have  attributes for the role:
- Experience doing web  design with Joomla
- Proven experience at  coding professional templates for Joomla Experience
with using  Joomla or a similar web Content Management System (CMS)
- Excellent attention  to detail - we're not kidding; we must be able to
rely on your  accuracy without always checking your work!
- Excellent written  English including grammar and spelling - at times
you'll be the "voice" of our companies, and we want our communication to be
consistently clear and precise

Other points to  note:
 - Any experience building  design templates for Magento  would be a bonus -
mention this  if you have it
- Experience with other  open source Content Management Systems such as
Drupal or  Mambo would indicate a depth of  industry knowledge
- Programming skills are  not required for this role, although a working
knowledge of basic  PHP will be well regarded as it often makes you
self-sufficient when  working with web software

A day in the  life...
In this role you're unlikely to be bored! You'll be  working with business
clients from many diverse industries and you'll be  involved in a wide range
of projects, such as:
Designing new websites  from scratch
Setting up shopping  carts
Building online portals  for customer and affiliate access &  reporting
Designing newsletter  and email marketing templates
Creating subscriptions  websites
Contributing plans,  quotations and implementation for end-to-end Internet
marketing  solutions
This Role Will Be Appealing If:
You want to learn a  broad range of Internet marketing strategies and
technologies  . You like the idea of  working across different companies in
a variety of  industries
You'll enjoy working in  a fast-paced environment, with a fast-growing
company (2007 &  2008 BRW Fast 100 lists)
You prefer working with  autonomy & collaboration, only minimal direct
Package: $70k +  super

Want to take a closer look at what we're doing and how we  operate? Send us
your CV today, address it to care...@itontap.com

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me
know - r...@maxdesign.com.au


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