       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What to connect with other WSG members?

Linkedin WSG group:

Facebook WSG group:


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Web Form Design Patterns: Sign-Up Forms

Table of Contents: Creative and Beautiful Examples

IE6 Independence?

Catering to the impatient/ready, set, go!

Scripting Enabled

Shortwave Search

Mark Boulton's Freelance Design Secrets

Yes, You Can Use HTML 5


ReadWriteWeb Predictions: Twitter vs FriendFeed

Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

CSS-Styled Lists: 20+ Demos, Tutorials and Best Practices

60 Not To Be Missed Web Development Articles

How to enable kerning in Firefox 3 ?

Showcase: superb examples of slick SIFR typography

IE8 Letter Spacing Demo

The ampersand


Usability week 2008
Date: 21-Jul-08 to 26-Jul-08
City: Melbourne (Australia)

Web Usability Training Workshop
Date: 22-Jul-08 
City: Sydney (Australia)
Description: Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques. As a
result of attending this one day course, participants will have a good
understanding of the value and importance of user centred design and have
the basic skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design
approach to developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web
applications within their own organisation.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-usability.html

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date: 23-Jul-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
Description: Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability
tests. In this one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability
evaluation and testing methods that you can use to evaluate your
organisation's Internet and Intranet site, web applications and software.
This course will explore the difference between expert reviews and usability
testing and which is better to use and when. We will cover when to usability
test, what to test and how to test.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/evaluation-and-testing.html

Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date: 1-July-08 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 9-Sep-08 Melbourne (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications. From internet banking, online learning, government
transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects increasingly
include elements of web application design. This course will explore the
value and limitations of building a web application and introduce a range of
tools, approaches and interface design principles to ensure that you
understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web applications.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-applications.html

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date: 2-July-08 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 10-Sep-08 Melbourne (Australia)
Description: Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites. Ever wonder why users don't
behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found usability issues
but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide an insight into
human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest research and
hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage of usability
test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of interaction
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/interaction-design.html
Web on the Piste
Date: 20-Aug-08 to 21-Aug-08
City: Queenstown (New Zealand)
The ultimate conference for rich internet technologies is on again this year
and if you haven't already heard about it, then check out
www.webonthepiste.com and get yourself a ticket ASAP! WOTP is a vendor
neutral conference held in Queenstown, NZ in August 20 - 21st - in the
height of the ski season. With a unique offering of Microsoft and Adobe
playing happily together and showcasing the latest & greatest in
technologies such as Silverlight / WPF, Flash, Flex / AIR, .NET, Coldfusion,
you'll get a big dose of the RIA market in one place. With a heap of
excellent speakers / sessions, a fantastic social agenda and with the
activities that Queenstown offers - your guaranteed to learn a lot and have

dConstruct 2008 (Brighton, UK)
Date: 5-Sep-08
City: Brighton (UK)
The hottest ticket in the web design calendar is back for it's fourth
instalment. This year dConstruct will see speakers such as Steven
Johnson, Daniel Burka, Joshua Porter and Jeremy Keith talk about
"Designing the Social Web." Tickets go on sale at 11am BST on the
24th June and usually sell out within a day, so stick a note in your
diary today.

Web Directions South 2008
Date: 25-Sep-08 to 26-Sep-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
This year in over 30 sessions across 3 tracks and 2 days, plus another 2
days of workshops, we cover off front and back end design and development,
mobile design and development, information architecture, user experience and
interaction design, social media and networks, accessibility, Ajax and
Javascript, semantic web, RIAs, web application security, marketing and
advertising online and so much more. With speakers including:
* Jeffrey Veen - renowned UX expert from Wired, Adaptive Path, Google
* Derek Featherstone - leading accessibility expert
* Daniel Burka - interaction designer for Digg
* Jina Bolton - The Art and Science of CSS
* Douglas Crockford - Ajax security expert at Yahoo!, and the world's
leading JavaScript authority
* Jeff Croft - web design and typography guru
* Lynne D Johnson - Senior Editor and Community Director at FastCompany

Singularity Web Conference
Date:  24-Oct-08 to 26-Oct-08
City: everywhere
Singularity is the first large-scale online web conference in the world.
On October 24-26, join 100 of the world¹s top web visionaries, developers,
designers, thought leaders, and celebrities for three days of talks at this
seminal web event.
Attend from home or from a real-world local conference hub near you. Catch
up with old friends (you can find them from your existing social networks)
and meet new ones. And you don¹t even have to take time off work.


Job 1
Australian Conservation Foundation
Online Producer, Melbourne
We are seeking an Online Producer who is a passionate communicator with
extensive experience writing and producing compelling online content for
different audiences. You are committed to educating and inspiring change for
the environment using digital communications and tools, and have a proven
track record devising and implementing creative online solutions to engage
the public.
Permanent, full-time.
Applications close 9am, 21 July 2008.
See http://www.acfonline.org.au/articles/news.asp?news_id=1815

Job 2
Position: PHP Developer ­ Contract
Duration: 6-8 weeks
Location: Melbourne CBD
JX2 Technology is currently looking for a mid-senior level PHP Developer for
a short-term contract.  The successful applicant will have experience
developing CMS solutions based on Joomla!, have good communication and
organisational skills, and be familiar with an iterative Agile approach to
software development. For more details, please email your CV and cover
letter to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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