
If you believe the RAV4-EV should be in current production, you may be 
interested in this.  I endorse Doug Korthof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and his 

This a very long note, and I apologize for that, but is as important as it 
is long.

Al Lococo
Think Globally, Act Locally!
Plug-in, we have the technology, the NiMH powered RAV4 EV is the proof.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "doug korthof" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "via list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 5:28 PM
Subject: Taxpayers Against Big Oil: MON, AUG 25, 10 A.M. at Toyota Centre HQ

> Hello,
> Thank you for becoming a paid-up member of Taxpayers Against Big Oil! 
> This is a consciously ironic name, recalling Big Oil's ultimatelyh 
> successful "Californians Against Hidden Taxation" phony group.
> If you can't show up tomorrow at Torrance, not to worry!  Your membership 
> counts; and if you wish to do more, you can phone up Toyota at 10 AM at 
> the number below, and voice your interest in a plug-in car.  Or send a 
> message to Toyota Customer Care, demanding resumption of production of the 
> plug-in RAV4-EV.
> A recent USC study shows that children suffer more permanent lung damage 
> the closer they live to a freeway.  It's not the freeway, it's the 
> oil-fired cars and their toxic exhaust!  NOx becomes nitric acid, which 
> eats holes in the lungs; SOx becomes sulfuric acid, also not good for kids 
> delicate lungs.
> This is not a small issue!  What is it worth, what would you take, to let 
> someone pour acid fumes into our kids lungs??  NOTHING.  You would not 
> sell out a kids lungs, not for any prices!!  Yet that's exactly what BIG 
> OIL is doing, here, without most people paying attention.
> We need plug-in cars, and Toyota has 'em.  Let's get production resumed, 
> and let Toyota know how serious this issue is, and how serious we are.
> WHAT:  On-the-street auto show of the RAV4-EV
> WHERE: 190th and Grammercy in Torrance
> WHEN:  Monday, Aug. 25, 10:00 A.M.
> WHY:   Show Toyota that you want a Toyota RAV4-EV plug-in car
> WHO:   Everyone who wants an EV
> AGAIN: These will be recurring, if you miss this one,
>       send a letter or call, or come to the next!
> Friendly request to Toyota to resume production of the RAV4-EV and other 
> plug-in cars.
> Don't believe that the AUTO ALLIANCE needs years to research plug-in cars! 
> GM destroyed the EV1 so that there would be no evidence except memorials 
> and word of mouth, but Toyota WILLINGLY SOLD THE LAST 328 TOYOTA RAV4-EV 
> TO THE PUBLIC.  So we have visible evidence, proof that plug-in cars work!
> That's why EV drivers love and honor Toyota, because Toyota sold the 
> oil-free cars that GM and Honda crushed.
> Real oil-free Toyota RAV4-EV cars are still on the road, and all they need 
> is new batteries every couple hundred thousand miles or so!
> Join and the
>  Meetup group to petition Toyota for 
> resumption of production of the Toyota RAV4-EV.
> This will be a friendly meeting at a site not visible to the general 
> public; it's between Toyota buildings on a public street that is generally 
> not seen by passer-by.
> Plug-in cars:  NOT ONE of the 12 million vehicles sold by the major auto 
> companies this year will be a plug-in car.  All they make are promises, 
> not real cars!  GM's Bob Lutz, supposedly the big EV advocate that Charlee 
> Rose practically drooled over, was personally involved in crushing the EV1 
> cars, according to reports at the time!  So he's just a liar.  In reality, 
> GM has admitted to the NHTSB that it won't make more than token numbers of 
> plug-in cars, if any, through at least 2014.
> So you'll be waiting a long, looong time for what we already have!!
> We are not asking that everyone drive a plug-in car, just that they be 
> made available on the free market, without GM tricks and sabotage, for 
> purchase at a fair price.  Big Auto owes the public no less, after 
> scamming us into SUV and failing to make small, excellent cars!
> If you can buy a plug-in car, the money you save by NOT buying gas more 
> than pays for your rooftop solar system.  Once  again, the fact that not 
> everyone wants to buy a solar sysem with their gas money, or doesn't have 
> a roof, should NOT stop SOME people from choosing to do so.
> Driving 1000 miles per month requires 50 gallons of gas at our fleet 
> average of 20 mpg; but only 250 kWh of electric, about one-fourth of what 
> a home uses for domestic electric.  With gas above $3, you avoid spending 
> $150 per month if you can drive 1000 miles in an EV.  The electric needed, 
> 250 kWh per month or 8 kWh per day, would take a solar system of 1.3 kW, 
> costing $13,000 (WITHOUT rebates and tax credits, which would lower the 
> cost more).  If you financed $13,000 in a Home Equity Loan, you could 
> deduct the interest, and your payments would be less than $100/month.  So 
> you'd save money, help solarize America, and own your own electric for the 
> money you FORMERLY spent on gas!
> And no rebates or incentives.  The existing rebates and tax incentives 
> would make it even more appealing.
> The only loser would be Chevron, which would sell less oil to be burned 
> and clog up kids lungs.
> Chevron, deeply involved with the criminal regimes of Myanmar and Nigeria, 
> trades oil for blood, essentially, killing the lives and lifestyles of 
> foreigners living under brutal, repressive oil dictators dependent on 
> Chevron for the money they use to repress their own people.
> Respectfully ask Toyota to resume production of the plug-in Toyota 
> RAV4-EV.
> Signs, tables, petitions and solar cookies will be provided to Toyota 
> personnel and we will seek dialogue with them.
> This friendly encounter will be held every month, at first, and perhaps 
> expanded to high-traffic streets, to Toyota dealers, and to other car 
> companies.
> ------------DIRECTIONS--------------
> The main intersection is 190th and Western.
> The gathering will be on Grammercy, which is a public street surrounded by 
> Toyota.
> Directions: From the 405 South, exit Western, turn RIGHT to Grammercy, 
> make a LEFT into Grammercy.
> From 405 North, exit Western, turn left (under the freeway), turn right on 
> 190th, LEFT into Grammercy.
> Making it to the intersection of 190th and Western, which is right next to 
> the 405, is just one block east of Grammercy.
> Look for the table, the Toyota RAV4-EV, and the signs.
> For more information,
> Doug Korthof
> 562-430-2495
> 714-496-1567 (cell phone, if you get lost or need info)
> This is about the only way that we will gain the attention of Toyota, IMO. 
> Letters to Toyota honchos will be provided for those who want to help but 
> are too far from the area to attend.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> CALL AT 10 AM!
> You should call
> Mr. Jim Gatzke, 310-291-2694 or email
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] to ask for resumption of production.
> If the RAV4-EV is too expensive to build NOW, why did Toyota say it could 
> build it in 2002, when they cancelled it supposedly because of low demand?
> Mr. Gatzke has so far skipped over this inconvenient fact.
> Jim Gatzke is currently in charge of "babysitting" the last RAV4-EV, and 
> keeping the drivers quiet even though Toyota can't supply the batteries to 
> keep them running (due, some Toyota insiders say, to the Chevron royalties 
> and settlement).
> Jim is the one who devised the "scrap yard" of BatteryMD to supply old 
> batteries and junk parts to those who need them, so if you don't like 
> BatteryMD's service, call Jim and say so.
> Other Toyota honchos:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> Toyota RAV4-EV staff:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> Toyota lesser lights, who may or may not have anything to do with RAV4-EV 
> or EVs in general:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (no telepone yet)
> Press:
> Very important Toyota persons:
> Toyota Chairman Fujio Cho  (no telepone yet)
> Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe (no telepone yet)
> Toyota Managing Director Hiroyuki Watanabe (no telepone yet)
> Customer Care:
> Toyota Motor N.A. 9 West 57th Street Suite 4900 NY 10019
> TELE:  212-223-0303
> Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
> 19001 South Western Ave.
> Dept. WC11 Torrance, CA 90501
> TELE: 800-331-4331
> Fax: 310-468-7814
> Thanks!
> You are receiving this email as [EMAIL PROTECTED], 1 of 55
> If you are not interested, or wish to be removed, please send
> the following: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Or send any mail to <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> asking
> to remove [EMAIL PROTECTED], number 1.
> ------------------------
> Join TaxpayersAgainstBigOil
> Send contact info plus  to be a charter member
> TaxpayersAgainstBigOil, c/o Doug Korthof
> 1020 Mar Vista, Seal Beach, CA 90740-5842
> 562-430-2495 Eventually you will get a membership card and bumper sticker.
> Stop subsidies to Big Oil, reverse our suicidal addiction to foreign oil 
> dictators
> Each member is important, you will only be contacted about this crucial 
> issue.

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