I think so. I've had to do this before. (Both of your questions) However
I've found the best way of doing this for me was as follows

Delete the site that is broken, 
Create a new site, with the port number and URL that you require
Detach the database for the new site via a batch command
Attach the old database to the new site.

I'm self taught to do with everything with SP, I've found sql studio
express, a free download to be invaluable  


-----Original Message-----
Of Greg Mulholland
Sent: Thursday, 31 January 2008 2:07 PM
To: listserver@ozMOSS.com
Subject: [OzMOSS] Delete Web App

I recently had a problem with a web app that i managed to fix by
it to another IIS site, the orginal still doesnt work but the new does.
The issue i have now is that the site,port and host header are now
different are now site2 port 81 instead of the orignal site1 port 80.

I have yet to be able to test but can you delete the web app that was
first extended (site1) and then does the working one (site2) still work.
If that is the case i can then eventually use AAM to get my urls right
but i am unsure of this at the moment.

Also can anyone tell me how if i want to change the web app port or host
header or authentication can i do that without extending to another iis
site. I would have thought you could do it within the same web app.



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