Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB got SIGCHLD on hitting the breakpoint

2020-10-01 Thread Greg Clayton via lldb-dev
LLDB 5 is really old and shouldn't be used for linux debugging as linux support had many issues back then. I would suggest downloading and building the latest and greatest LLDB from or using the clang 10 release version of LLDB, or the new clang 11 release version tha

Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB got SIGCHLD on hitting the breakpoint

2020-09-29 Thread Pavel Labath via lldb-dev
When you say "execute binary code", where exactly is this code being executed? Is it executed by launching another process? Lldb will not automatically debug all child process spawned by your process -- they will run freely. The SIGCHLDs are not coming from lldb -- they are signals which all proc

[lldb-dev] LLDB got SIGCHLD on hitting the breakpoint

2020-09-21 Thread le wang via lldb-dev
Hello,everyone: I've got a problem, when debugging my process with lldb tool on linux OS(CentOS7).While I use lldb command to set breakpoints, and launch my process, my process will execute a binary code which contains debug information, but when my process launched, all breakpoints can not be hit,