Author: Krzysztof Parzyszek
Date: 2020-12-09T17:11:25-06:00
New Revision: f5d07a05bbd41f827ccfa1bed7bfdfbab2be85dc


LOG: [Hexagon] Realign HVX vectors wherever possible

Introduce HexagonVectorCombine as a helper class for vector-related




diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/CMakeLists.txt 
index f99692b0f84e..5b20dd5009f0 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ add_llvm_target(HexagonCodeGen
+  HexagonVectorCombine.cpp

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetMachine.cpp 
index 1e034ce515c1..23c047e0c23b 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetMachine.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetMachine.cpp
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ static cl::opt<bool> 
 static cl::opt<bool> EnableVExtractOpt("hexagon-opt-vextract", cl::Hidden,
   cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::init(true), cl::desc("Enable vextract optimization"));
+static cl::opt<bool> EnableVectorCombine("hexagon-vector-combine", cl::Hidden,
+  cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::init(true), cl::desc("Enable HVX vector combining"));
 static cl::opt<bool> EnableInitialCFGCleanup("hexagon-initial-cfg-cleanup",
   cl::Hidden, cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::init(true),
   cl::desc("Simplify the CFG after atomic expansion pass"));
@@ -140,12 +143,13 @@ namespace llvm {
   void initializeHexagonGenMuxPass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonHardwareLoopsPass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonLoopIdiomRecognizeLegacyPassPass(PassRegistry &);
-  void initializeHexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuseLegacyPassPass(PassRegistry &);
   void initializeHexagonNewValueJumpPass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonOptAddrModePass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonPacketizerPass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonRDFOptPass(PassRegistry&);
   void initializeHexagonSplitDoubleRegsPass(PassRegistry&);
+  void initializeHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass(PassRegistry&);
+  void initializeHexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuseLegacyPassPass(PassRegistry &);
   void initializeHexagonVExtractPass(PassRegistry&);
   Pass *createHexagonLoopIdiomPass();
   Pass *createHexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuseLegacyPass();
@@ -169,14 +173,15 @@ namespace llvm {
                                      CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel);
   FunctionPass *createHexagonLoopRescheduling();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonNewValueJump();
-  FunctionPass *createHexagonOptimizeSZextends();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonOptAddrMode();
+  FunctionPass *createHexagonOptimizeSZextends();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonPacketizer(bool Minimal);
   FunctionPass *createHexagonPeephole();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonRDFOpt();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonSplitConst32AndConst64();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonSplitDoubleRegs();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonStoreWidening();
+  FunctionPass *createHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonVectorPrint();
   FunctionPass *createHexagonVExtract();
 } // end namespace llvm;
@@ -199,12 +204,13 @@ extern "C" LLVM_EXTERNAL_VISIBILITY void 
LLVMInitializeHexagonTarget() {
-  initializeHexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuseLegacyPassPass(PR);
+  initializeHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass(PR);
+  initializeHexagonVectorLoopCarriedReuseLegacyPassPass(PR);
@@ -350,6 +356,8 @@ void HexagonPassConfig::addIRPasses() {
     if (EnableLoopPrefetch)
+    if (EnableVectorCombine)
+      addPass(createHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass());
     if (EnableCommGEP)
     // Replace certain combinations of shifts and ands with extracts.

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetTransformInfo.cpp 
index 3c00b2c17193..1cefa6a04640 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetTransformInfo.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonTargetTransformInfo.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static cl::opt<bool> 
   cl::desc("Control lookup table emission on Hexagon target"));
 static cl::opt<bool> HexagonMaskedVMem("hexagon-masked-vmem", cl::init(true),
-  cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Enable loop vectorizer for HVX"));
+  cl::Hidden, cl::desc("Enable masked loads/stores for HVX"));
 // Constant "cost factor" to make floating point operations more expensive
 // in terms of vectorization cost. This isn't the best way, but it should

diff  --git a/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonVectorCombine.cpp 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ca3e9e5dc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/Hexagon/HexagonVectorCombine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1474 @@
+//===-- HexagonVectorCombine.cpp 
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM 
+// See for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+// HexagonVectorCombine is a utility class implementing a variety of functions
+// that assist in vector-based optimizations.
+// AlignVectors: replace unaligned vector loads and stores with aligned ones.
+#include "llvm/ADT/APInt.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionCache.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/InstructionSimplify.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
+#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetPassConfig.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicInst.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Intrinsics.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/IntrinsicsHexagon.h"
+#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
+#include "llvm/Pass.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/KnownBits.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include "llvm/Target/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "HexagonSubtarget.h"
+#include "HexagonTargetMachine.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <deque>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#define DEBUG_TYPE "hexagon-vc"
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace {
+class HexagonVectorCombine {
+  HexagonVectorCombine(Function &F_, AliasAnalysis &AA_, AssumptionCache &AC_,
+                       DominatorTree &DT_, TargetLibraryInfo &TLI_,
+                       const TargetMachine &TM_)
+      : F(F_), DL(F.getParent()->getDataLayout()), AA(AA_), AC(AC_), DT(DT_),
+        TLI(TLI_),
+        HST(static_cast<const HexagonSubtarget &>(*TM_.getSubtargetImpl(F))) {}
+  bool run();
+  // Common integer type.
+  IntegerType *getIntTy() const;
+  // Byte type: either scalar (when Length = 0), or vector with given
+  // element count.
+  Type *getByteTy(int ElemCount = 0) const;
+  // Boolean type: either scalar (when Length = 0), or vector with given
+  // element count.
+  Type *getBoolTy(int ElemCount = 0) const;
+  // Create a ConstantInt of type returned by getIntTy with the value Val.
+  ConstantInt *getConstInt(int Val) const;
+  // Create a 'true' or 'false' value of type getBoolTy.
+  ConstantInt *getConstBool(bool Val) const;
+  // Get the integer value of V, if it exists.
+  Optional<APInt> getIntValue(const Value *Val) const;
+  // Is V a constant 0, or a vector of 0s?
+  bool isZero(const Value *Val) const;
+  // Is V an undef value?
+  bool isUndef(const Value *Val) const;
+  int getSizeOf(const Value *Val) const;
+  int getSizeOf(const Type *Ty) const;
+  int getTypeAlignment(Type *Ty) const;
+  VectorType *getByteVectorTy(int ScLen) const;
+  Constant *getNullValue(Type *Ty) const;
+  Constant *getFullValue(Type *Ty) const;
+  Value *insertb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Dest, Value *Src, int Start,
+                 int Length, int Where) const;
+  Value *vlalignb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo, Value *Hi, Value *Amt) 
+  Value *vralignb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo, Value *Hi, Value *Amt) 
+  Value *concat(IRBuilder<> &Builder, ArrayRef<Value *> Vecs) const;
+  Value *vresize(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val, int NewSize,
+                 Value *Pad) const;
+  Value *rescale(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Mask, Type *FromTy,
+                 Type *ToTy) const;
+  Value *vlsb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val) const;
+  Value *vbytes(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val) const;
+  Value *createHvxIntrinsic(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Intrinsic::ID IntID,
+                            Type *RetTy, ArrayRef<Value *> Args) const;
+  Optional<int> calculatePointerDifference(Value *Ptr0, Value *Ptr1) const;
+  template <typename T = std::vector<Instruction *>>
+  bool isSafeToMoveBeforeInBB(const Instruction &In,
+                              BasicBlock::const_iterator To,
+                              const T &Ignore = {}) const;
+  Function &F;
+  const DataLayout &DL;
+  AliasAnalysis &AA;
+  AssumptionCache &AC;
+  DominatorTree &DT;
+  TargetLibraryInfo &TLI;
+  const HexagonSubtarget &HST;
+  bool isByteVecTy(Type *Ty) const;
+  bool isSectorTy(Type *Ty) const;
+  Value *getElementRange(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo, Value *Hi, int Start,
+                         int Length) const;
+class AlignVectors {
+  AlignVectors(HexagonVectorCombine &HVC_) : HVC(HVC_) {}
+  bool run();
+  using InstList = std::vector<Instruction *>;
+  struct Segment {
+    void *Data;
+    int Start;
+    int Size;
+  };
+  struct AddrInfo {
+    AddrInfo(const AddrInfo &) = default;
+    AddrInfo(const HexagonVectorCombine &HVC, Instruction *I, Value *A, Type 
+             Align H)
+        : Inst(I), Addr(A), ValTy(T), HaveAlign(H),
+          NeedAlign(HVC.getTypeAlignment(ValTy)) {}
+    // XXX: add Size member?
+    Instruction *Inst;
+    Value *Addr;
+    Type *ValTy;
+    Align HaveAlign;
+    Align NeedAlign;
+    int Offset = 0; // Offset (in bytes) from the first member of the
+                    // containing AddrList.
+  };
+  using AddrList = std::vector<AddrInfo>;
+  struct InstrLess {
+    bool operator()(const Instruction *A, const Instruction *B) const {
+      return A->comesBefore(B);
+    }
+  };
+  using DepList = std::set<Instruction *, InstrLess>;
+  struct MoveGroup {
+    MoveGroup(const AddrInfo &AI, Instruction *B, bool Hvx, bool Load)
+        : Base(B), Main{AI.Inst}, IsHvx(Hvx), IsLoad(Load) {}
+    Instruction *Base; // Base instruction of the parent address group.
+    InstList Main;     // Main group of instructions.
+    InstList Deps;     // List of dependencies.
+    bool IsHvx;        // Is this group of HVX instructions?
+    bool IsLoad;       // Is this a load group?
+  };
+  using MoveList = std::vector<MoveGroup>;
+  struct ByteSpan {
+    struct Segment {
+      Segment(Value *Val, int Begin, int Len)
+          : Val(Val), Start(Begin), Size(Len) {}
+      Segment(const Segment &Seg) = default;
+      Value *Val;
+      int Start;
+      int Size;
+    };
+    struct Block {
+      Block(Value *Val, int Len, int Pos) : Seg(Val, 0, Len), Pos(Pos) {}
+      Block(Value *Val, int Off, int Len, int Pos)
+          : Seg(Val, Off, Len), Pos(Pos) {}
+      Block(const Block &Blk) = default;
+      Segment Seg;
+      int Pos;
+    };
+    int extent() const;
+    ByteSpan section(int Start, int Length) const;
+    ByteSpan &normalize();
+    int size() const { return Blocks.size(); }
+    Block &operator[](int i) { return Blocks[i]; }
+    std::vector<Block> Blocks;
+    using iterator = decltype(Blocks)::iterator;
+    iterator begin() { return Blocks.begin(); }
+    iterator end() { return Blocks.end(); }
+    using const_iterator = decltype(Blocks)::const_iterator;
+    const_iterator begin() const { return Blocks.begin(); }
+    const_iterator end() const { return Blocks.end(); }
+  };
+  template <typename T> static T *getIfUnordered(T *MaybeT) {
+    return MaybeT && MaybeT->isUnordered() ? MaybeT : nullptr;
+  }
+  template <typename T> static T *isCandidate(Instruction *In) {
+    return dyn_cast<T>(In);
+  }
+  template <> LoadInst *isCandidate<LoadInst>(Instruction *In) {
+    return getIfUnordered(dyn_cast<LoadInst>(In));
+  }
+  template <> StoreInst *isCandidate<StoreInst>(Instruction *In) {
+    return getIfUnordered(dyn_cast<StoreInst>(In));
+  }
+  Align getAlignFromValue(const Value *V) const;
+  Optional<MemoryLocation> getLocation(const Instruction &In) const;
+  Optional<AddrInfo> getAddrInfo(Instruction &In) const;
+  bool isHvx(const AddrInfo &AI) const;
+  Value *getPayload(Value *Val) const;
+  Value *getMask(Value *Val) const;
+  Value *getPassThrough(Value *Val) const;
+  Value *createAdjustedPointer(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Ptr, Type *ValTy,
+                               int Adjust) const;
+  Value *createAlignedPointer(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Ptr, Type *ValTy,
+                              int Alignment) const;
+  Value *createAlignedLoad(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Type *ValTy, Value *Ptr,
+                           int Alignment, Value *Mask, Value *PassThru) const;
+  Value *createAlignedStore(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val, Value *Ptr,
+                            int Alignment, Value *Mask) const;
+  bool createAddressGroups();
+  MoveList createLoadGroups(const AddrList &Group) const;
+  MoveList createStoreGroups(const AddrList &Group) const;
+  bool move(const MoveGroup &Move) const;
+  bool realignGroup(const MoveGroup &Move) const;
+  friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AddrInfo &AI);
+  friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const MoveGroup &MG);
+  friend raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const ByteSpan &BS);
+  std::map<Instruction *, AddrList> AddrGroups;
+  HexagonVectorCombine &HVC;
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AlignVectors::AddrInfo &AI) {
+  OS << "Inst: " << AI.Inst << "  " << *AI.Inst << '\n';
+  OS << "Addr: " << *AI.Addr << '\n';
+  OS << "Type: " << *AI.ValTy << '\n';
+  OS << "HaveAlign: " << AI.HaveAlign.value() << '\n';
+  OS << "NeedAlign: " << AI.NeedAlign.value() << '\n';
+  OS << "Offset: " << AI.Offset;
+  return OS;
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AlignVectors::MoveGroup &MG) {
+  OS << "Main\n";
+  for (Instruction *I : MG.Main)
+    OS << "  " << *I << '\n';
+  OS << "Deps\n";
+  for (Instruction *I : MG.Deps)
+    OS << "  " << *I << '\n';
+  return OS;
+raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const AlignVectors::ByteSpan &BS) {
+  OS << "ByteSpan[size=" << BS.size() << ", extent=" << BS.extent() << '\n';
+  for (const AlignVectors::ByteSpan::Block &B : BS) {
+    OS << "  @" << B.Pos << " [" << B.Seg.Start << ',' << B.Seg.Size << "] "
+       << *B.Seg.Val << '\n';
+  }
+  OS << ']';
+  return OS;
+} // namespace
+namespace {
+template <typename Pred, typename... Ts>
+void erase_if(std::map<Ts...> &map, Pred p) {
+  for (auto i = map.begin(), e = map.end(); i != e;) {
+    if (p(*i))
+      i = map.erase(i);
+    else
+      i = std::next(i);
+  }
+// Forward other erase_ifs to the LLVM implementations.
+template <typename Pred, typename T> void erase_if(T &&container, Pred p) {
+  llvm::erase_if(std::forward<T>(container), p);
+} // namespace
+// --- Begin AlignVectors
+auto AlignVectors::ByteSpan::extent() const -> int {
+  if (size() == 0)
+    return 0;
+  int Min = Blocks[0].Pos;
+  int Max = Blocks[0].Pos + Blocks[0].Seg.Size;
+  for (int i = 1, e = size(); i != e; ++i) {
+    Min = std::min(Min, Blocks[i].Pos);
+    Max = std::max(Max, Blocks[i].Pos + Blocks[i].Seg.Size);
+  }
+  return Max - Min;
+auto AlignVectors::ByteSpan::section(int Start, int Length) const -> ByteSpan {
+  ByteSpan Section;
+  for (const ByteSpan::Block &B : Blocks) {
+    int L = std::max(B.Pos, Start);                       // Left end.
+    int R = std::min(B.Pos + B.Seg.Size, Start + Length); // Right end+1.
+    if (L < R) {
+      // How much to chop off the beginning of the segment:
+      int Off = L > B.Pos ? L - B.Pos : 0;
+      Section.Blocks.emplace_back(B.Seg.Val, B.Seg.Start + Off, R - L, L);
+    }
+  }
+  return Section;
+auto AlignVectors::ByteSpan::normalize() -> ByteSpan & {
+  if (size() == 0)
+    return *this;
+  int Min = Blocks[0].Pos;
+  for (int i = 1, e = size(); i != e; ++i)
+    Min = std::min(Min, Blocks[i].Pos);
+  if (Min != 0) {
+    for (Block &B : Blocks)
+      B.Pos -= Min;
+  }
+  return *this;
+auto AlignVectors::getAlignFromValue(const Value *V) const -> Align {
+  const auto *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(V);
+  assert(C && "Alignment must be a compile-time constant integer");
+  return C->getAlignValue();
+auto AlignVectors::getAddrInfo(Instruction &In) const -> Optional<AddrInfo> {
+  if (auto *L = isCandidate<LoadInst>(&In))
+    return AddrInfo(HVC, L, L->getPointerOperand(), L->getType(),
+                    L->getAlign());
+  if (auto *S = isCandidate<StoreInst>(&In))
+    return AddrInfo(HVC, S, S->getPointerOperand(),
+                    S->getValueOperand()->getType(), S->getAlign());
+  if (auto *II = isCandidate<IntrinsicInst>(&In)) {
+    Intrinsic::ID ID = II->getIntrinsicID();
+    switch (ID) {
+    case Intrinsic::masked_load:
+      return AddrInfo(HVC, II, II->getArgOperand(0), II->getType(),
+                      getAlignFromValue(II->getArgOperand(1)));
+    case Intrinsic::masked_store:
+      return AddrInfo(HVC, II, II->getArgOperand(1),
+                      II->getArgOperand(0)->getType(),
+                      getAlignFromValue(II->getArgOperand(2)));
+    }
+  }
+  return Optional<AddrInfo>();
+auto AlignVectors::isHvx(const AddrInfo &AI) const -> bool {
+  return HVC.HST.isTypeForHVX(AI.ValTy);
+auto AlignVectors::getPayload(Value *Val) const -> Value * {
+  if (auto *In = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Val)) {
+    Intrinsic::ID ID = 0;
+    if (auto *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(In))
+      ID = II->getIntrinsicID();
+    if (isa<StoreInst>(In) || ID == Intrinsic::masked_store)
+      return In->getOperand(0);
+  }
+  return Val;
+auto AlignVectors::getMask(Value *Val) const -> Value * {
+  if (auto *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(Val)) {
+    switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
+    case Intrinsic::masked_load:
+      return II->getArgOperand(2);
+    case Intrinsic::masked_store:
+      return II->getArgOperand(3);
+    }
+  }
+  Type *ValTy = getPayload(Val)->getType();
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(ValTy)) {
+    int ElemCount = VecTy->getElementCount().getFixedValue();
+    return HVC.getFullValue(HVC.getBoolTy(ElemCount));
+  }
+  return HVC.getFullValue(HVC.getBoolTy());
+auto AlignVectors::getPassThrough(Value *Val) const -> Value * {
+  if (auto *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(Val)) {
+    if (II->getIntrinsicID() == Intrinsic::masked_load)
+      return II->getArgOperand(3);
+  }
+  return UndefValue::get(getPayload(Val)->getType());
+auto AlignVectors::createAdjustedPointer(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Ptr,
+                                         Type *ValTy, int Adjust) const
+    -> Value * {
+  // The adjustment is in bytes, but if it's a multiple of the type size,
+  // we don't need to do pointer casts.
+  Type *ElemTy = cast<PointerType>(Ptr->getType())->getElementType();
+  int ElemSize = HVC.getSizeOf(ElemTy);
+  if (Adjust % ElemSize == 0) {
+    Value *Tmp0 = Builder.CreateGEP(Ptr, HVC.getConstInt(Adjust / ElemSize));
+    return Builder.CreatePointerCast(Tmp0, ValTy->getPointerTo());
+  }
+  PointerType *CharPtrTy = Type::getInt8PtrTy(HVC.F.getContext());
+  Value *Tmp0 = Builder.CreatePointerCast(Ptr, CharPtrTy);
+  Value *Tmp1 = Builder.CreateGEP(Tmp0, HVC.getConstInt(Adjust));
+  return Builder.CreatePointerCast(Tmp1, ValTy->getPointerTo());
+auto AlignVectors::createAlignedPointer(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Ptr,
+                                        Type *ValTy, int Alignment) const
+    -> Value * {
+  Value *AsInt = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(Ptr, HVC.getIntTy());
+  Value *Mask = HVC.getConstInt(-Alignment);
+  Value *And = Builder.CreateAnd(AsInt, Mask);
+  return Builder.CreateIntToPtr(And, ValTy->getPointerTo());
+auto AlignVectors::createAlignedLoad(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Type *ValTy,
+                                     Value *Ptr, int Alignment, Value *Mask,
+                                     Value *PassThru) const -> Value * {
+  assert(!HVC.isUndef(Mask)); // Should this be allowed?
+  if (HVC.isZero(Mask))
+    return PassThru;
+  if (Mask == ConstantInt::getTrue(Mask->getType()))
+    return Builder.CreateAlignedLoad(ValTy, Ptr, Align(Alignment));
+  return Builder.CreateMaskedLoad(Ptr, Align(Alignment), Mask, PassThru);
+auto AlignVectors::createAlignedStore(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val,
+                                      Value *Ptr, int Alignment,
+                                      Value *Mask) const -> Value * {
+  if (HVC.isZero(Mask) || HVC.isUndef(Val) || HVC.isUndef(Mask))
+    return UndefValue::get(Val->getType());
+  if (Mask == ConstantInt::getTrue(Mask->getType()))
+    return Builder.CreateAlignedStore(Val, Ptr, Align(Alignment));
+  return Builder.CreateMaskedStore(Val, Ptr, Align(Alignment), Mask);
+auto AlignVectors::createAddressGroups() -> bool {
+  // An address group created here may contain instructions spanning
+  // multiple basic blocks.
+  AddrList WorkStack;
+  auto findBaseAndOffset = [&](AddrInfo &AI) -> std::pair<Instruction *, int> {
+    for (AddrInfo &W : WorkStack) {
+      if (auto D = HVC.calculatePointerDifference(AI.Addr, W.Addr))
+        return std::make_pair(W.Inst, *D);
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
+  };
+  auto traverseBlock = [&](DomTreeNode *DomN, auto Visit) -> void {
+    BasicBlock &Block = *DomN->getBlock();
+    for (Instruction &I : Block) {
+      auto AI = getAddrInfo(I);
+      if (!AI)
+        continue;
+      auto F = findBaseAndOffset(*AI);
+      Instruction *GroupInst;
+      if (Instruction *BI = F.first) {
+        AI->Offset = F.second;
+        GroupInst = BI;
+      } else {
+        WorkStack.push_back(*AI);
+        GroupInst = AI->Inst;
+      }
+      AddrGroups[GroupInst].push_back(*AI);
+    }
+    for (DomTreeNode *C : DomN->children())
+      Visit(C, Visit);
+    while (!WorkStack.empty() && WorkStack.back().Inst->getParent() == &Block)
+      WorkStack.pop_back();
+  };
+  traverseBlock(HVC.DT.getRootNode(), traverseBlock);
+  assert(WorkStack.empty());
+  // AddrGroups are formed.
+  // Remove groups of size 1.
+  erase_if(AddrGroups, [](auto &G) { return G.second.size() == 1; });
+  // Remove groups that don't use HVX types.
+  erase_if(AddrGroups, [&](auto &G) {
+    return !llvm::any_of(
+        G.second, [&](auto &I) { return HVC.HST.isTypeForHVX(I.ValTy); });
+  });
+  // Remove groups where everything is properly aligned.
+  erase_if(AddrGroups, [&](auto &G) {
+    return llvm::all_of(G.second,
+                        [&](auto &I) { return I.HaveAlign >= I.NeedAlign; });
+  });
+  return !AddrGroups.empty();
+auto AlignVectors::createLoadGroups(const AddrList &Group) const -> MoveList {
+  // Form load groups.
+  // To avoid complications with moving code across basic blocks, only form
+  // groups that are contained within a single basic block.
+  auto getUpwardDeps = [](Instruction *In, Instruction *Base) {
+    BasicBlock *Parent = Base->getParent();
+    assert(In->getParent() == Parent &&
+           "Base and In should be in the same block");
+    assert(Base->comesBefore(In) && "Base should come before In");
+    DepList Deps;
+    std::deque<Instruction *> WorkQ = {In};
+    while (!WorkQ.empty()) {
+      Instruction *D = WorkQ.front();
+      WorkQ.pop_front();
+      Deps.insert(D);
+      for (Value *Op : D->operands()) {
+        if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Op)) {
+          if (I->getParent() == Parent && Base->comesBefore(I))
+            WorkQ.push_back(I);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return Deps;
+  };
+  auto tryAddTo = [&](const AddrInfo &Info, MoveGroup &Move) {
+    assert(!Move.Main.empty() && "Move group should have non-empty Main");
+    // Don't mix HVX and non-HVX instructions.
+    if (Move.IsHvx != isHvx(Info))
+      return false;
+    // Leading instruction in the load group.
+    Instruction *Base = Move.Main.front();
+    if (Base->getParent() != Info.Inst->getParent())
+      return false;
+    auto isSafeToMoveToBase = [&](const Instruction *I) {
+      return HVC.isSafeToMoveBeforeInBB(*I, Base->getIterator());
+    };
+    DepList Deps = getUpwardDeps(Info.Inst, Base);
+    if (!llvm::all_of(Deps, isSafeToMoveToBase))
+      return false;
+    // The dependencies will be moved together with the load, so make sure
+    // that none of them could be moved independently in another group.
+    Deps.erase(Info.Inst);
+    auto inAddrMap = [&](Instruction *I) { return AddrGroups.count(I) > 0; };
+    if (llvm::any_of(Deps, inAddrMap))
+      return false;
+    Move.Main.push_back(Info.Inst);
+    Move.Deps.insert(Move.Deps.end(), Deps.begin(), Deps.end());
+    return true;
+  };
+  MoveList LoadGroups;
+  for (const AddrInfo &Info : Group) {
+    if (!Info.Inst->mayReadFromMemory())
+      continue;
+    if (LoadGroups.empty() || !tryAddTo(Info, LoadGroups.back()))
+      LoadGroups.emplace_back(Info, Group.front().Inst, isHvx(Info), true);
+  }
+  // Erase singleton groups.
+  erase_if(LoadGroups, [](const MoveGroup &G) { return G.Main.size() <= 1; });
+  return LoadGroups;
+auto AlignVectors::createStoreGroups(const AddrList &Group) const -> MoveList {
+  // Form store groups.
+  // To avoid complications with moving code across basic blocks, only form
+  // groups that are contained within a single basic block.
+  auto tryAddTo = [&](const AddrInfo &Info, MoveGroup &Move) {
+    assert(!Move.Main.empty() && "Move group should have non-empty Main");
+    // For stores with return values we'd have to collect downward depenencies.
+    // There are no such stores that we handle at the moment, so omit that.
+    assert(Info.Inst->getType()->isVoidTy() &&
+           "Not handling stores with return values");
+    // Don't mix HVX and non-HVX instructions.
+    if (Move.IsHvx != isHvx(Info))
+      return false;
+    // For stores we need to be careful whether it's safe to move them.
+    // Stores that are otherwise safe to move together may not appear safe
+    // to move over one another (i.e. isSafeToMoveBefore may return false).
+    Instruction *Base = Move.Main.front();
+    if (Base->getParent() != Info.Inst->getParent())
+      return false;
+    if (!HVC.isSafeToMoveBeforeInBB(*Info.Inst, Base->getIterator(), 
+      return false;
+    Move.Main.push_back(Info.Inst);
+    return true;
+  };
+  MoveList StoreGroups;
+  for (auto I = Group.rbegin(), E = Group.rend(); I != E; ++I) {
+    const AddrInfo &Info = *I;
+    if (!Info.Inst->mayWriteToMemory())
+      continue;
+    if (StoreGroups.empty() || !tryAddTo(Info, StoreGroups.back()))
+      StoreGroups.emplace_back(Info, Group.front().Inst, isHvx(Info), false);
+  }
+  // Erase singleton groups.
+  erase_if(StoreGroups, [](const MoveGroup &G) { return G.Main.size() <= 1; });
+  return StoreGroups;
+auto AlignVectors::move(const MoveGroup &Move) const -> bool {
+  assert(!Move.Main.empty() && "Move group should have non-empty Main");
+  Instruction *Where = Move.Main.front();
+  if (Move.IsLoad) {
+    // Move all deps to before Where, keeping order.
+    for (Instruction *D : Move.Deps)
+      D->moveBefore(Where);
+    // Move all main instructions to after Where, keeping order.
+    ArrayRef<Instruction *> Main(Move.Main);
+    for (Instruction *M : Main.drop_front(1)) {
+      M->moveAfter(Where);
+      Where = M;
+    }
+  } else {
+    // NOTE: Deps are empty for "store" groups. If they need to be
+    // non-empty, decide on the order.
+    assert(Move.Deps.empty());
+    // Move all main instructions to before Where, inverting order.
+    ArrayRef<Instruction *> Main(Move.Main);
+    for (Instruction *M : Main.drop_front(1)) {
+      M->moveBefore(Where);
+      Where = M;
+    }
+  }
+  return Move.Main.size() + Move.Deps.size() > 1;
+auto AlignVectors::realignGroup(const MoveGroup &Move) const -> bool {
+  // Return the element with the maximum alignment from Range,
+  // where GetValue obtains the value to compare from an element.
+  auto getMaxOf = [](auto Range, auto GetValue) {
+    return *std::max_element(
+        Range.begin(), Range.end(),
+        [&GetValue](auto &A, auto &B) { return GetValue(A) < GetValue(B); });
+  };
+  const AddrList &BaseInfos =;
+  // Conceptually, there is a vector of N bytes covering the addresses
+  // starting from the minimum offset (i.e. Base.Addr+Start). This vector
+  // represents a contiguous memory region that spans all accessed memory
+  // locations.
+  // The correspondence between loaded or stored values will be expressed
+  // in terms of this vector. For example, the 0th element of the vector
+  // from the Base address info will start at byte Start from the beginning
+  // of this conceptual vector.
+  //
+  // This vector will be loaded/stored starting at the nearest down-aligned
+  // address and the amount od the down-alignment will be AlignVal:
+  //   valign(load_vector(align_down(Base+Start)), AlignVal)
+  std::set<Instruction *> TestSet(Move.Main.begin(), Move.Main.end());
+  AddrList MoveInfos;
+  llvm::copy_if(
+      BaseInfos, std::back_inserter(MoveInfos),
+      [&TestSet](const AddrInfo &AI) { return TestSet.count(AI.Inst); });
+  // Maximum alignment present in the whole address group.
+  const AddrInfo &WithMaxAlign =
+      getMaxOf(BaseInfos, [](const AddrInfo &AI) { return AI.HaveAlign; });
+  Align MaxGiven = WithMaxAlign.HaveAlign;
+  // Minimum alignment present in the move address group.
+  const AddrInfo &WithMinOffset =
+      getMaxOf(MoveInfos, [](const AddrInfo &AI) { return -AI.Offset; });
+  const AddrInfo &WithMaxNeeded =
+      getMaxOf(MoveInfos, [](const AddrInfo &AI) { return AI.NeedAlign; });
+  Align MinNeeded = WithMaxNeeded.NeedAlign;
+  // Set the builder at the top instruction in the move group.
+  Instruction *TopIn = Move.IsLoad ? Move.Main.front() : Move.Main.back();
+  IRBuilder<> Builder(TopIn);
+  Value *AlignAddr = nullptr; // Actual aligned address.
+  Value *AlignVal = nullptr;  // Right-shift amount (for valign).
+  if (MinNeeded <= MaxGiven) {
+    int Start = WithMinOffset.Offset;
+    int OffAtMax = WithMaxAlign.Offset;
+    // Shift the offset of the maximally aligned instruction (OffAtMax)
+    // back by just enough multiples of the required alignment to cover the
+    // distance from Start to OffAtMax.
+    // Calculate the address adjustment amount based on the address with the
+    // maximum alignment. This is to allow a simple gep instruction instead
+    // of potential bitcasts to i8*.
+    int Adjust = -alignTo(OffAtMax - Start, MinNeeded.value());
+    AlignAddr = createAdjustedPointer(Builder, WithMaxAlign.Addr,
+                                      WithMaxAlign.ValTy, Adjust);
+    int Diff = Start - (OffAtMax + Adjust);
+    AlignVal = HVC.getConstInt(Diff);
+    // Sanity.
+    assert(Diff >= 0);
+    assert(static_cast<decltype(MinNeeded.value())>(Diff) < MinNeeded.value());
+  } else {
+    // WithMinOffset is the lowest address in the group,
+    //   WithMinOffset.Addr = Base+Start.
+    // Align instructions for both HVX (V6_valign) and scalar (S2_valignrb)
+    // mask off unnecessary bits, so it's ok to just the original pointer as
+    // the alignment amount.
+    // Do an explicit down-alignment of the address to avoid creating an
+    // aligned instruction with an address that is not really aligned.
+    AlignAddr = createAlignedPointer(Builder, WithMinOffset.Addr,
+                                     WithMinOffset.ValTy, MinNeeded.value());
+    AlignVal = Builder.CreatePtrToInt(WithMinOffset.Addr, HVC.getIntTy());
+  }
+  ByteSpan VSpan;
+  for (const AddrInfo &AI : MoveInfos) {
+    VSpan.Blocks.emplace_back(AI.Inst, HVC.getSizeOf(AI.ValTy),
+                              AI.Offset - WithMinOffset.Offset);
+  }
+  // The aligned loads/stores will use blocks that are either scalars,
+  // or HVX vectors. Let "sector" be the unified term for such a block.
+  // blend(scalar, vector) -> sector...
+  int ScLen = Move.IsHvx ? HVC.HST.getVectorLength()
+                         : std::max<int>(MinNeeded.value(), 4);
+  assert(!Move.IsHvx || ScLen == 64 || ScLen == 128);
+  assert(Move.IsHvx || ScLen == 4 || ScLen == 8);
+  Type *SecTy = HVC.getByteTy(ScLen);
+  int NumSectors = (VSpan.extent() + ScLen - 1) / ScLen;
+  if (Move.IsLoad) {
+    ByteSpan ASpan;
+    auto *True = HVC.getFullValue(HVC.getBoolTy(ScLen));
+    auto *Undef = UndefValue::get(SecTy);
+    for (int i = 0; i != NumSectors + 1; ++i) {
+      Value *Ptr = createAdjustedPointer(Builder, AlignAddr, SecTy, i * ScLen);
+      // FIXME: generate a predicated load?
+      Value *Load = createAlignedLoad(Builder, SecTy, Ptr, ScLen, True, Undef);
+      ASpan.Blocks.emplace_back(Load, ScLen, i * ScLen);
+    }
+    for (int j = 0; j != NumSectors; ++j) {
+      ASpan[j].Seg.Val = HVC.vralignb(Builder, ASpan[j].Seg.Val,
+                                      ASpan[j + 1].Seg.Val, AlignVal);
+    }
+    for (ByteSpan::Block &B : VSpan) {
+      ByteSpan Section = ASpan.section(B.Pos, B.Seg.Size).normalize();
+      Value *Accum = UndefValue::get(HVC.getByteTy(B.Seg.Size));
+      for (ByteSpan::Block &S : Section) {
+        Value *Pay = HVC.vbytes(Builder, getPayload(S.Seg.Val));
+        Accum =
+            HVC.insertb(Builder, Accum, Pay, S.Seg.Start, S.Seg.Size, S.Pos);
+      }
+      // Instead of casting everything to bytes for the vselect, cast to the
+      // original value type. This will avoid complications with casting masks.
+      // For example, in cases when the original mask applied to i32, it could
+      // be converted to a mask applicable to i8 via pred_typecast intrinsic,
+      // but if the mask is not exactly of HVX length, extra handling would be
+      // needed to make it work.
+      Type *ValTy = getPayload(B.Seg.Val)->getType();
+      Value *Cast = Builder.CreateBitCast(Accum, ValTy);
+      Value *Sel = Builder.CreateSelect(getMask(B.Seg.Val), Cast,
+                                        getPassThrough(B.Seg.Val));
+      B.Seg.Val->replaceAllUsesWith(Sel);
+    }
+  } else {
+    // Stores.
+    ByteSpan ASpanV, ASpanM;
+    for (int i = -1; i != NumSectors; ++i) {
+      ByteSpan Section = VSpan.section(i * ScLen, ScLen).normalize();
+      Value *AccumV = UndefValue::get(SecTy);
+      Value *AccumM = HVC.getNullValue(SecTy);
+      for (ByteSpan::Block &S : Section) {
+        Value *Pay = getPayload(S.Seg.Val);
+        Value *Mask = HVC.rescale(Builder, getMask(S.Seg.Val), Pay->getType(),
+                                  HVC.getByteTy());
+        AccumM = HVC.insertb(Builder, AccumM, HVC.vbytes(Builder, Mask),
+                             S.Seg.Start, S.Seg.Size, S.Pos);
+        AccumV = HVC.insertb(Builder, AccumV, HVC.vbytes(Builder, Pay),
+                             S.Seg.Start, S.Seg.Size, S.Pos);
+      }
+      ASpanV.Blocks.emplace_back(AccumV, ScLen, i * ScLen);
+      ASpanM.Blocks.emplace_back(AccumM, ScLen, i * ScLen);
+    }
+    // vlalign
+    for (int j = 1; j != NumSectors + 1; ++j) {
+      ASpanV[j - 1].Seg.Val = HVC.vlalignb(Builder, ASpanV[j - 1].Seg.Val,
+                                           ASpanV[j].Seg.Val, AlignVal);
+      ASpanM[j - 1].Seg.Val = HVC.vlalignb(Builder, ASpanM[j - 1].Seg.Val,
+                                           ASpanM[j].Seg.Val, AlignVal);
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i != NumSectors; ++i) {
+      Value *Ptr = createAdjustedPointer(Builder, AlignAddr, SecTy, i * ScLen);
+      Value *Val = ASpanV[i].Seg.Val;
+      Value *Mask = ASpanM[i].Seg.Val; // bytes
+      if (!HVC.isUndef(Val) && !HVC.isZero(Mask))
+        createAlignedStore(Builder, Val, Ptr, ScLen, HVC.vlsb(Builder, Mask));
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto *Inst : Move.Main)
+    Inst->eraseFromParent();
+  return true;
+auto AlignVectors::run() -> bool {
+  if (!createAddressGroups())
+    return false;
+  bool Changed = false;
+  MoveList LoadGroups, StoreGroups;
+  for (auto &G : AddrGroups) {
+    llvm::append_range(LoadGroups, createLoadGroups(G.second));
+    llvm::append_range(StoreGroups, createStoreGroups(G.second));
+  }
+  for (auto &M : LoadGroups)
+    Changed |= move(M);
+  for (auto &M : StoreGroups)
+    Changed |= move(M);
+  for (auto &M : LoadGroups)
+    Changed |= realignGroup(M);
+  for (auto &M : StoreGroups)
+    Changed |= realignGroup(M);
+  return Changed;
+// --- End AlignVectors
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::run() -> bool {
+  if (!HST.useHVXOps())
+    return false;
+  bool Changed = AlignVectors(*this).run();
+  return Changed;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getIntTy() const -> IntegerType * {
+  return Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext());
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getByteTy(int ElemCount) const -> Type * {
+  assert(ElemCount >= 0);
+  IntegerType *ByteTy = Type::getInt8Ty(F.getContext());
+  if (ElemCount == 0)
+    return ByteTy;
+  return VectorType::get(ByteTy, ElemCount, /*Scalable*/ false);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getBoolTy(int ElemCount) const -> Type * {
+  assert(ElemCount >= 0);
+  IntegerType *BoolTy = Type::getInt1Ty(F.getContext());
+  if (ElemCount == 0)
+    return BoolTy;
+  return VectorType::get(BoolTy, ElemCount, /*Scalable*/ false);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getConstInt(int Val) const -> ConstantInt * {
+  return ConstantInt::getSigned(getIntTy(), Val);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getConstBool(bool Val) const -> ConstantInt * {
+  Constant *C = Val ? ConstantInt::getTrue(getBoolTy())
+                    : ConstantInt::getFalse(getBoolTy());
+  return cast<ConstantInt>(C);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::isZero(const Value *Val) const -> bool {
+  if (auto *C = dyn_cast<Constant>(Val))
+    return C->isZeroValue();
+  return false;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getIntValue(const Value *Val) const
+    -> Optional<APInt> {
+  if (auto *CI = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(Val))
+    return CI->getValue();
+  return None;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::isUndef(const Value *Val) const -> bool {
+  return isa<UndefValue>(Val);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getSizeOf(const Value *Val) const -> int {
+  return getSizeOf(Val->getType());
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getSizeOf(const Type *Ty) const -> int {
+  return DL.getTypeStoreSize(const_cast<Type *>(Ty)).getFixedValue();
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getTypeAlignment(Type *Ty) const -> int {
+  // The actual type may be shorter than the HVX vector, so determine
+  // the alignment based on subtarget info.
+  if (HST.isTypeForHVX(Ty))
+    return HST.getVectorLength();
+  return DL.getABITypeAlign(Ty).value();
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getNullValue(Type *Ty) const -> Constant * {
+  assert(Ty->isIntOrIntVectorTy());
+  auto Zero = ConstantInt::get(Ty->getScalarType(), 0);
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty))
+    return ConstantVector::getSplat(VecTy->getElementCount(), Zero);
+  return Zero;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getFullValue(Type *Ty) const -> Constant * {
+  assert(Ty->isIntOrIntVectorTy());
+  auto Minus1 = ConstantInt::get(Ty->getScalarType(), -1);
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty))
+    return ConstantVector::getSplat(VecTy->getElementCount(), Minus1);
+  return Minus1;
+// Insert bytes [Start..Start+Length) of Src into Dst at byte Where.
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::insertb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Dst, Value 
+                                   int Start, int Length, int Where) const
+    -> Value * {
+  assert(isByteVecTy(Dst->getType()) && isByteVecTy(Src->getType()));
+  int SrcLen = getSizeOf(Src);
+  int DstLen = getSizeOf(Dst);
+  assert(0 <= Start && Start + Length <= SrcLen);
+  assert(0 <= Where && Where + Length <= DstLen);
+  int P2Len = PowerOf2Ceil(SrcLen | DstLen);
+  auto *Undef = UndefValue::get(getByteTy());
+  Value *P2Src = vresize(Builder, Src, P2Len, Undef);
+  Value *P2Dst = vresize(Builder, Dst, P2Len, Undef);
+  SmallVector<int, 256> SMask(P2Len);
+  for (int i = 0; i != P2Len; ++i) {
+    // If i is in [Where, Where+Length), pick Src[Start+(i-Where)].
+    // Otherwise, pick Dst[i];
+    SMask[i] =
+        (Where <= i && i < Where + Length) ? P2Len + Start + (i - Where) : i;
+  }
+  Value *P2Insert = Builder.CreateShuffleVector(P2Dst, P2Src, SMask);
+  return vresize(Builder, P2Insert, DstLen, Undef);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::vlalignb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo, Value *Hi,
+                                    Value *Amt) const -> Value * {
+  assert(Lo->getType() == Hi->getType() && "Argument type mismatch");
+  assert(isSectorTy(Hi->getType()));
+  if (isZero(Amt))
+    return Hi;
+  int VecLen = getSizeOf(Hi);
+  if (auto IntAmt = getIntValue(Amt))
+    return getElementRange(Builder, Lo, Hi, VecLen - IntAmt->getSExtValue(),
+                           VecLen);
+  if (HST.isTypeForHVX(Hi->getType())) {
+    int HwLen = HST.getVectorLength();
+    assert(VecLen == HwLen && "Expecting an exact HVX type");
+    Intrinsic::ID V6_vlalignb = HwLen == 64
+                                    ? Intrinsic::hexagon_V6_vlalignb
+                                    : Intrinsic::hexagon_V6_vlalignb_128B;
+    return createHvxIntrinsic(Builder, V6_vlalignb, Hi->getType(),
+                              {Hi, Lo, Amt});
+  }
+  if (VecLen == 4) {
+    Value *Pair = concat(Builder, {Lo, Hi});
+    Value *Shift = Builder.CreateLShr(Builder.CreateShl(Pair, Amt), 32);
+    Value *Trunc = Builder.CreateTrunc(Shift, 
+    return Builder.CreateBitCast(Trunc, Hi->getType());
+  }
+  if (VecLen == 8) {
+    Value *Sub = Builder.CreateSub(getConstInt(VecLen), Amt);
+    return vralignb(Builder, Lo, Hi, Sub);
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unexpected vector length");
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::vralignb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo, Value *Hi,
+                                    Value *Amt) const -> Value * {
+  assert(Lo->getType() == Hi->getType() && "Argument type mismatch");
+  assert(isSectorTy(Lo->getType()));
+  if (isZero(Amt))
+    return Lo;
+  int VecLen = getSizeOf(Lo);
+  if (auto IntAmt = getIntValue(Amt))
+    return getElementRange(Builder, Lo, Hi, IntAmt->getSExtValue(), VecLen);
+  if (HST.isTypeForHVX(Lo->getType())) {
+    int HwLen = HST.getVectorLength();
+    assert(VecLen == HwLen && "Expecting an exact HVX type");
+    Intrinsic::ID V6_valignb = HwLen == 64 ? Intrinsic::hexagon_V6_valignb
+                                           : 
+    return createHvxIntrinsic(Builder, V6_valignb, Lo->getType(),
+                              {Hi, Lo, Amt});
+  }
+  if (VecLen == 4) {
+    Value *Pair = concat(Builder, {Lo, Hi});
+    Value *Shift = Builder.CreateLShr(Pair, Amt);
+    Value *Trunc = Builder.CreateTrunc(Shift, 
+    return Builder.CreateBitCast(Trunc, Lo->getType());
+  }
+  if (VecLen == 8) {
+    Type *Int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext());
+    Value *Lo64 = Builder.CreateBitCast(Lo, Int64Ty);
+    Value *Hi64 = Builder.CreateBitCast(Hi, Int64Ty);
+    Function *FI = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(F.getParent(),
+                                             Intrinsic::hexagon_S2_valignrb);
+    Value *Call = Builder.CreateCall(FI, {Hi64, Lo64, Amt});
+    return Builder.CreateBitCast(Call, Lo->getType());
+  }
+  llvm_unreachable("Unexpected vector length");
+// Concatenates a sequence of vectors of the same type.
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::concat(IRBuilder<> &Builder,
+                                  ArrayRef<Value *> Vecs) const -> Value * {
+  assert(!Vecs.empty());
+  SmallVector<int, 256> SMask;
+  std::vector<Value *> Work[2];
+  int ThisW = 0, OtherW = 1;
+  Work[ThisW].assign(Vecs.begin(), Vecs.end());
+  while (Work[ThisW].size() > 1) {
+    auto *Ty = cast<VectorType>(Work[ThisW].front()->getType());
+    int ElemCount = Ty->getElementCount().getFixedValue();
+    SMask.resize(ElemCount * 2);
+    std::iota(SMask.begin(), SMask.end(), 0);
+    Work[OtherW].clear();
+    if (Work[ThisW].size() % 2 != 0)
+      Work[ThisW].push_back(UndefValue::get(Ty));
+    for (int i = 0, e = Work[ThisW].size(); i < e; i += 2) {
+      Value *Joined = Builder.CreateShuffleVector(Work[ThisW][i],
+                                                  Work[ThisW][i + 1], SMask);
+      Work[OtherW].push_back(Joined);
+    }
+    std::swap(ThisW, OtherW);
+  }
+  // Since there may have been some undefs appended to make shuffle operands
+  // have the same type, perform the last shuffle to only pick the original
+  // elements.
+  SMask.resize(Vecs.size() * getSizeOf(Vecs.front()->getType()));
+  std::iota(SMask.begin(), SMask.end(), 0);
+  Value *Total = Work[OtherW].front();
+  return Builder.CreateShuffleVector(Total, UndefValue::get(Total->getType()),
+                                     SMask);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::vresize(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val,
+                                   int NewSize, Value *Pad) const -> Value * {
+  assert(isa<VectorType>(Val->getType()));
+  auto *ValTy = cast<VectorType>(Val->getType());
+  auto *PadTy = Pad->getType();
+  assert(ValTy->getElementType() == PadTy);
+  int CurSize = ValTy->getElementCount().getFixedValue();
+  if (CurSize == NewSize)
+    return Val;
+  // Truncate?
+  if (CurSize > NewSize)
+    return getElementRange(Builder, Val, /*Unused*/ Val, 0, NewSize);
+  // Extend.
+  SmallVector<int, 128> SMask(NewSize);
+  std::iota(SMask.begin(), SMask.begin() + CurSize, 0);
+  std::fill(SMask.begin() + CurSize, SMask.end(), CurSize);
+  Value *PadVec = Builder.CreateVectorSplat(CurSize, Pad);
+  return Builder.CreateShuffleVector(Val, PadVec, SMask);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::rescale(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Mask,
+                                   Type *FromTy, Type *ToTy) const -> Value * {
+  // Mask is a vector <N x i1>, where each element corresponds to an
+  // element of FromTy. Remap it so that each element will correspond
+  // to an element of ToTy.
+  assert(isa<VectorType>(Mask->getType()));
+  Type *FromSTy = FromTy->getScalarType();
+  Type *ToSTy = ToTy->getScalarType();
+  if (FromSTy == ToSTy)
+    return Mask;
+  int FromSize = getSizeOf(FromSTy);
+  int ToSize = getSizeOf(ToSTy);
+  assert(FromSize % ToSize == 0 || ToSize % FromSize == 0);
+  auto *MaskTy = cast<VectorType>(Mask->getType());
+  int FromCount = MaskTy->getElementCount().getFixedValue();
+  int ToCount = (FromCount * FromSize) / ToSize;
+  assert((FromCount * FromSize) % ToSize == 0);
+  // Mask <N x i1> -> sext to <N x FromTy> -> bitcast to <M x ToTy> ->
+  // -> trunc to <M x i1>.
+  Value *Ext = Builder.CreateSExt(
+      Mask, VectorType::get(FromSTy, FromCount, /*Scalable*/ false));
+  Value *Cast = Builder.CreateBitCast(
+      Ext, VectorType::get(ToSTy, ToCount, /*Scalable*/ false));
+  return Builder.CreateTrunc(
+      Cast, VectorType::get(getBoolTy(), ToCount, /*Scalable*/ false));
+// Bitcast to bytes, and return least significant bits.
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::vlsb(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val) const
+    -> Value * {
+  Type *ScalarTy = Val->getType()->getScalarType();
+  if (ScalarTy == getBoolTy())
+    return Val;
+  Value *Bytes = vbytes(Builder, Val);
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Bytes->getType()))
+    return Builder.CreateTrunc(Bytes, getBoolTy(getSizeOf(Bytes)));
+  // If Bytes is a scalar (i.e. Val was a scalar byte), return i1, not
+  // <1 x i1>.
+  return Builder.CreateTrunc(Bytes, getBoolTy());
+// Bitcast to bytes for non-bool. For bool, convert i1 -> i8.
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::vbytes(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val) const
+    -> Value * {
+  Type *ScalarTy = Val->getType()->getScalarType();
+  if (ScalarTy == getByteTy())
+    return Val;
+  if (ScalarTy != getBoolTy())
+    return Builder.CreateBitCast(Val, getByteTy(getSizeOf(Val)));
+  // For bool, return a sext from i1 to i8.
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Val->getType()))
+    return Builder.CreateSExt(Val, VectorType::get(getByteTy(), VecTy));
+  return Builder.CreateSExt(Val, getByteTy());
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::createHvxIntrinsic(IRBuilder<> &Builder,
+                                              Intrinsic::ID IntID, Type *RetTy,
+                                              ArrayRef<Value *> Args) const
+    -> Value * {
+  int HwLen = HST.getVectorLength();
+  Type *BoolTy = Type::getInt1Ty(F.getContext());
+  Type *Int32Ty = Type::getInt32Ty(F.getContext());
+  Type *Int64Ty = Type::getInt64Ty(F.getContext());
+  // HVX vector -> v16i32/v32i32
+  // HVX vector predicate -> v512i1/v1024i1
+  auto getTypeForIntrin = [&](Type *Ty) -> Type * {
+    if (HST.isTypeForHVX(Ty, /*IncludeBool*/ true)) {
+      Type *ElemTy = cast<VectorType>(Ty)->getElementType();
+      if (ElemTy == Int32Ty)
+        return Ty;
+      if (ElemTy == BoolTy)
+        return VectorType::get(BoolTy, 8 * HwLen, /*Scalable*/ false);
+      return VectorType::get(Int32Ty, HwLen / 4, /*Scalable*/ false);
+    }
+    // Non-HVX type. It should be a scalar.
+    assert(Ty == Int32Ty || Ty == Int64Ty);
+    return Ty;
+  };
+  auto getCast = [&](IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Val,
+                     Type *DestTy) -> Value * {
+    Type *SrcTy = Val->getType();
+    if (SrcTy == DestTy)
+      return Val;
+    if (HST.isTypeForHVX(SrcTy, /*IncludeBool*/ true)) {
+      if (cast<VectorType>(SrcTy)->getElementType() == BoolTy) {
+        // This should take care of casts the other way too, for example
+        // v1024i1 -> v32i1.
+        Intrinsic::ID TC = HwLen == 64
+                               ? Intrinsic::hexagon_V6_pred_typecast
+                               : Intrinsic::hexagon_V6_pred_typecast_128B;
+        Function *FI = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(F.getParent(), TC,
+                                                 {DestTy, Val->getType()});
+        return Builder.CreateCall(FI, {Val});
+      }
+      // Non-predicate HVX vector.
+      return Builder.CreateBitCast(Val, DestTy);
+    }
+    // Non-HVX type. It should be a scalar, and it should already have
+    // a valid type.
+    llvm_unreachable("Unexpected type");
+  };
+  SmallVector<Value *, 4> IntOps;
+  for (Value *A : Args)
+    IntOps.push_back(getCast(Builder, A, getTypeForIntrin(A->getType())));
+  Function *FI = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(F.getParent(), IntID);
+  Value *Call = Builder.CreateCall(FI, IntOps);
+  Type *CallTy = Call->getType();
+  if (CallTy == RetTy)
+    return Call;
+  // Scalar types should have RetTy matching the call return type.
+  assert(HST.isTypeForHVX(CallTy, /*IncludeBool*/ true));
+  if (cast<VectorType>(CallTy)->getElementType() == BoolTy)
+    return getCast(Builder, Call, RetTy);
+  return Builder.CreateBitCast(Call, RetTy);
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::calculatePointerDifference(Value *Ptr0,
+                                                      Value *Ptr1) const
+    -> Optional<int> {
+  struct Builder : IRBuilder<> {
+    Builder(BasicBlock *B) : IRBuilder<>(B) {}
+    ~Builder() {
+      for (Instruction *I : llvm::reverse(ToErase))
+        I->eraseFromParent();
+    }
+    SmallVector<Instruction *, 8> ToErase;
+  };
+#define CallBuilder(B, F)                                                      
+  [&](auto &B_) {                                                              
+    Value *V = B_.F;                                                           
+    if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))                                    
+      B_.ToErase.push_back(I);                                                 
+    return V;                                                                  
+  }(B)
+  auto Simplify = [&](Value *V) {
+    if (auto *I = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V)) {
+      SimplifyQuery Q(DL, &TLI, &DT, &AC, I);
+      if (Value *S = SimplifyInstruction(I, Q))
+        return S;
+    }
+    return V;
+  };
+  auto StripBitCast = [](Value *V) {
+    while (auto *C = dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(V))
+      V = C->getOperand(0);
+    return V;
+  };
+  Ptr0 = StripBitCast(Ptr0);
+  Ptr1 = StripBitCast(Ptr1);
+  if (!isa<GetElementPtrInst>(Ptr0) || !isa<GetElementPtrInst>(Ptr1))
+    return None;
+  auto *Gep0 = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(Ptr0);
+  auto *Gep1 = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(Ptr1);
+  if (Gep0->getPointerOperand() != Gep1->getPointerOperand())
+    return None;
+  Builder B(Gep0->getParent());
+  Value *BasePtr = Gep0->getPointerOperand();
+  int Scale = DL.getTypeStoreSize(BasePtr->getType()->getPointerElementType());
+  // FIXME: for now only check GEPs with a single index.
+  if (Gep0->getNumOperands() != 2 || Gep1->getNumOperands() != 2)
+    return None;
+  Value *Idx0 = Gep0->getOperand(1);
+  Value *Idx1 = Gep1->getOperand(1);
+  // First, try to simplify the subtraction directly.
+  if (auto *Diff = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(
+          Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateSub(Idx0, Idx1)))))
+    return Diff->getSExtValue() * Scale;
+  KnownBits Known0 = computeKnownBits(Idx0, DL, 0, &AC, Gep0, &DT);
+  KnownBits Known1 = computeKnownBits(Idx1, DL, 0, &AC, Gep1, &DT);
+  APInt Unknown = ~(Known0.Zero | Known0.One) | ~(Known1.Zero | Known1.One);
+  if (Unknown.isAllOnesValue())
+    return None;
+  Value *MaskU = ConstantInt::get(Idx0->getType(), Unknown);
+  Value *AndU0 = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateAnd(Idx0, MaskU)));
+  Value *AndU1 = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateAnd(Idx1, MaskU)));
+  Value *SubU = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateSub(AndU0, AndU1)));
+  int Diff0 = 0;
+  if (auto *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(SubU)) {
+    Diff0 = C->getSExtValue();
+  } else {
+    return None;
+  }
+  Value *MaskK = ConstantInt::get(MaskU->getType(), ~Unknown);
+  Value *AndK0 = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateAnd(Idx0, MaskK)));
+  Value *AndK1 = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateAnd(Idx1, MaskK)));
+  Value *SubK = Simplify(CallBuilder(B, CreateSub(AndK0, AndK1)));
+  int Diff1 = 0;
+  if (auto *C = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(SubK)) {
+    Diff1 = C->getSExtValue();
+  } else {
+    return None;
+  }
+  return (Diff0 + Diff1) * Scale;
+#undef CallBuilder
+template <typename T>
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::isSafeToMoveBeforeInBB(const Instruction &In,
+                                                  BasicBlock::const_iterator 
+                                                  const T &Ignore) const
+    -> bool {
+  auto getLocOrNone = [this](const Instruction &I) -> Optional<MemoryLocation> 
+    if (const auto *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&I)) {
+      switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
+      case Intrinsic::masked_load:
+        return MemoryLocation::getForArgument(II, 0, TLI);
+      case Intrinsic::masked_store:
+        return MemoryLocation::getForArgument(II, 1, TLI);
+      }
+    }
+    return MemoryLocation::getOrNone(&I);
+  };
+  // The source and the destination must be in the same basic block.
+  const BasicBlock &Block = *In.getParent();
+  assert(Block.begin() == To || Block.end() == To || To->getParent() == 
+  // No PHIs.
+  if (isa<PHINode>(In) || (To != Block.end() && isa<PHINode>(*To)))
+    return false;
+  if (!mayBeMemoryDependent(In))
+    return true;
+  bool MayWrite = In.mayWriteToMemory();
+  auto MaybeLoc = getLocOrNone(In);
+  auto From = In.getIterator();
+  if (From == To)
+    return true;
+  bool MoveUp = (To != Block.end() && To->comesBefore(&In));
+  auto Range =
+      MoveUp ? std::make_pair(To, From) : std::make_pair(std::next(From), To);
+  for (auto It = Range.first; It != Range.second; ++It) {
+    const Instruction &I = *It;
+    if (llvm::is_contained(Ignore, &I))
+      continue;
+    // Parts based on isSafeToMoveBefore from CoveMoverUtils.cpp.
+    if (I.mayThrow())
+      return false;
+    if (auto *CB = dyn_cast<CallBase>(&I)) {
+      if (!CB->hasFnAttr(Attribute::WillReturn))
+        return false;
+      if (!CB->hasFnAttr(Attribute::NoSync))
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (I.mayReadOrWriteMemory()) {
+      auto MaybeLocI = getLocOrNone(I);
+      if (MayWrite || I.mayWriteToMemory()) {
+        if (!MaybeLoc || !MaybeLocI)
+          return false;
+        if (!AA.isNoAlias(*MaybeLoc, *MaybeLocI))
+          return false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::isByteVecTy(Type *Ty) const -> bool {
+  if (auto *VecTy = dyn_cast<VectorType>(Ty))
+    return VecTy->getElementType() == getByteTy();
+  return false;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::isSectorTy(Type *Ty) const -> bool {
+  if (!isByteVecTy(Ty))
+    return false;
+  int Size = getSizeOf(Ty);
+  if (HST.isTypeForHVX(Ty))
+    return Size == static_cast<int>(HST.getVectorLength());
+  return Size == 4 || Size == 8;
+auto HexagonVectorCombine::getElementRange(IRBuilder<> &Builder, Value *Lo,
+                                           Value *Hi, int Start,
+                                           int Length) const -> Value * {
+  assert(0 <= Start && Start < Length);
+  SmallVector<int, 128> SMask(Length);
+  std::iota(SMask.begin(), SMask.end(), Start);
+  return Builder.CreateShuffleVector(Lo, Hi, SMask);
+// Pass management.
+namespace llvm {
+void initializeHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass(PassRegistry &);
+FunctionPass *createHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass();
+} // namespace llvm
+namespace {
+class HexagonVectorCombineLegacy : public FunctionPass {
+  static char ID;
+  HexagonVectorCombineLegacy() : FunctionPass(ID) {}
+  StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Hexagon Vector Combine"; }
+  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
+    AU.setPreservesCFG();
+    AU.addRequired<AAResultsWrapperPass>();
+    AU.addRequired<AssumptionCacheTracker>();
+    AU.addRequired<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>();
+    AU.addRequired<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>();
+    AU.addRequired<TargetPassConfig>();
+    FunctionPass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
+  }
+  bool runOnFunction(Function &F) override {
+    AliasAnalysis &AA = getAnalysis<AAResultsWrapperPass>().getAAResults();
+    AssumptionCache &AC =
+        getAnalysis<AssumptionCacheTracker>().getAssumptionCache(F);
+    DominatorTree &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTreeWrapperPass>().getDomTree();
+    TargetLibraryInfo &TLI =
+        getAnalysis<TargetLibraryInfoWrapperPass>().getTLI(F);
+    auto &TM = getAnalysis<TargetPassConfig>().getTM<HexagonTargetMachine>();
+    HexagonVectorCombine HVC(F, AA, AC, DT, TLI, TM);
+    return;
+  }
+} // namespace
+char HexagonVectorCombineLegacy::ID = 0;
+                      "Hexagon Vector Combine", false, false)
+INITIALIZE_PASS_END(HexagonVectorCombineLegacy, DEBUG_TYPE,
+                    "Hexagon Vector Combine", false, false)
+FunctionPass *llvm::createHexagonVectorCombineLegacyPass() {
+  return new HexagonVectorCombineLegacy();

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/autohvx/masked-vector-align.ll 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..27afe949d889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/autohvx/masked-vector-align.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
+; RUN: llc -march=hexagon < %s | FileCheck %s
+; Function Attrs: nounwind
+define <32 x i32> @f0(i8* %a0, i32 %a1) #0 {
+; CHECK:       // %bb.0: // %b0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     r0 = add(r1,r0)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     r7 = #8
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     r4 = ##.LCPI0_0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     r2 = #-1
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     v0 = vmem(r0+#1)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     v1 = vmem(r0+#2)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     r0 = add(r0,#128)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     v1 = valign(v1,v0,r7)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     v2 = vmem(r4+#0)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     q0 = vand(v2,r2)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     v0.w = vadd(v0.w,v1.w)
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     if (q0) vmem(r0+#0) = v0
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+; CHECK-NEXT:    {
+; CHECK-NEXT:     jumpr r31
+; CHECK-NEXT:    }
+  %v0 = add i32 %a1, 128
+  %v1 = getelementptr i8, i8* %a0, i32 %v0
+  %v2 = bitcast i8* %v1 to <32 x i32>*
+  %v3 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.masked.load.v32i32.p0v32i32(<32 x i32>* 
%v2, i32 128, <32 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false>, <32 x i32> undef)
+  %v4 = add i32 %a1, 136
+  %v5 = getelementptr i8, i8* %a0, i32 %v4
+  %v6 = bitcast i8* %v5 to <32 x i32>*
+  %v7 = tail call <32 x i32> @llvm.masked.load.v32i32.p0v32i32(<32 x i32>* 
%v6, i32 8, <32 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 
false, i1 false, i1 false>, <32 x i32> undef)
+  %v8 = add <32 x i32> %v3, %v7
+  tail call void<32 x i32> %v8, <32 x 
i32>* %v2, i32 128, <32 x i1> <i1 true, i1 true, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, 
i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, 
i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, 
i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, i1 false, 
i1 false, i1 false, i1 false>)
+  ret <32 x i32> %v8
+; Function Attrs: argmemonly nounwind readonly willreturn
+declare <32 x i32> @llvm.masked.load.v32i32.p0v32i32(<32 x i32>*, i32 immarg, 
<32 x i1>, <32 x i32>) #1
+; Function Attrs: argmemonly nounwind willreturn
+declare void<32 x i32>, <32 x i32>*, i32 
immarg, <32 x i1>) #2
+attributes #0 = { nounwind "target-cpu"="hexagonv66" 
"target-features"="+hvx,+hvx-length128b,-packets" }
+attributes #1 = { argmemonly nounwind readonly willreturn }
+attributes #2 = { argmemonly nounwind willreturn }

diff  --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/v6vect-no-sideeffects.ll 
index 06a70a8f1ff5..cb9c878d1a7c 100644
--- a/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/v6vect-no-sideeffects.ll
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/Hexagon/v6vect-no-sideeffects.ll
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; RUN: llc -march=hexagon -enable-pipeliner=false < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -march=hexagon -enable-pipeliner=false 
-hexagon-vector-combine=false < %s | FileCheck %s
 ; Test that the vsplat and vmemu are not all serialized due to chain edges
 ; caused by the hasSideEffects flag. The exact code generation may change

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