
As a complement to the hierachy need described in
http://sourceforge.net/p/cunit/mailman/message/33749732/, I can also
foresee a need for having test attributes. As a first approach, the
attributes could simply be a bitmask, with bits as "DEFAULT", "EXCLUDE",
"SLOW", "REQUIRES_INTERACTION", ...- the meaning of these bits being user
defined. CUNIT would then provide a set of functions to set/reset these
bits as well as a way to run tests based on their attributes, giving the
possibility to run, for instance, all default tests, all default tests
which have not been excluded, all tests that do not require humain
interaction and are not classified as slow... or any combinaison of these
Assuming that recursive suites exist (described in
http://sourceforge.net/p/cunit/mailman/message/33749732/) , one could
imagine having a function running all tests having a given set of attribute
set/unset starting at a certain suite in hierarchy and downwards.

Christophe Milard.
lng-odp mailing list

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