
I had the same problems when building with Visual Studio.Net 2003 a
normal log4cxx debug DLL with APR 1.2.7 statically linked, so this is
not a problem of VS2005 or APR as a DLL. I ended up changing line 171
of socketimpl.cpp in APR like so:

       //apr_status_t status = apr_wait_for_io_or_timeout(NULL,
(apr_socket_t*) socket, 0);
         apr_status_t status = APR_SUCCESS;

since I don't need the socket support of log4cxx anyway.

As a more general note, it would be really great if you could provide
a full build of log4cxx for Windows. I mean, its really difficult to
build (the standard Ant target fails miserably for me at the point
when it is invoking cl, it looks like the commandline is too long).
And the DLL that is available on
http://littletux.homelinux.org/log4cxx/ is of no great use when
redistributing because it is linked against the debug runtime DLLs
which are not allowed to be redistributed. A full set of artifacts
(all four variants: static/shared and debug/release) would be really
useful to us Windows users.


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