Re: dynamic log file

2002-09-03 Thread whblalock
Pete: You can use parameter substituion in the configuration file to determine the path of the log file(s). For example: # A1 is set to be a RollingFileAppender for debugging noise. log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender log4j.appender.A1.File=${user.debugLog}

Re: Conversion character for system properties?

2002-08-30 Thread whblalock
Have you tried variable substitution within a layout pattern in the configuration file? I tried a quick test similar to ...ConversionPattern=[%t] %-5p %c - ${} - %m%n and the value of the System Property was substituted in my log file.

Re: Deployment of an application on multiple instances running on the samemachine

2002-08-29 Thread whblalock
Hello: The configuration class can read a system property and substitute it. You can build a unique log name for each instance of the application, assign it to a system property, and use that value for the log file name. Regards Bill Blalock