

This is a crosspost, already asked in StackOverflow, no success


As a briefing, the question  would be how we can have 2 log4j2
configurations working at the same time within the same web application.


The main web app configures a log4j2 using below when it starts (and works):

System.setProperty("log.dir", dirLogs);

System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "file://" + servletPath +

this.accessLog = LogManager.getLogger("LOGGER_ACCESS");


After this, a user can dynamically upload jars that also use log4j. The main
webapp doesn’t know anything about these jars, it just uploads them. This is
one example of a user setting up log4j2 within his webapp:

confirmLog = LogManager.getLogger("LOGGER_CONFIRM");


The problem is this second configuration does not work:

confirmLog = LOGGER_CONFIRM:OFF in AsyncContext@4c23524b
confirmLogClass = org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLogger



Is there any way to solve this? I’m probably doing something wrong.





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