A second configuration is loaded and overwrites mine

2018-06-25 Thread Alexander Magnusson
ext[name=18b4aac2] at URI NULL_SOURCE (org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@4834368c) with optional ClassLoader: null DEBUG StatusLogger Shutdown hook enabled. Registering a new one. DEBUG StatusLogger LoggerContext[name=18b4aac2, org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext@4834368c] started OK. DEBUG Stat

Async logger context selector creates a throwable in JSON layout

2018-05-11 Thread Alexander Magnusson
Hello, I'm currently migrating our codebase to Log4j2 (2.9.1) in a Tomcat 9.0.7 environment, and while testing different configurations I noticed a weird, what i think also undocumented, difference between the standard usage and when starting with -DLog4jContextSelector=org.apa