To: Log4J Users List
Sent: Monday, 17 November, 2008 12:11:01
Subject: Re: Problems with rollover of RollingFileAppender - data loss
[EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev den 16-11-2008 23:47:
> The problem that I have encountered is that I have observed that sometimes
> the log files are getting partiall
[EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev den 16-11-2008 23:47:
The problem that I have encountered is that I have observed that sometimes the log files are getting partially wiped. I am putting this down to the fact that the JVM might be shutting down whilst the rolling activity is taking place - resulting in pa
what about using two processes:
* a long-lived process that receives all logging events via a SocketNode,
see [1] and writes them file via a FileAppender
* the short lived program that you already have, using a SocketAppender to
send events to the above process
I'm running log4j-1.2.15 and have a problem that I'd like to put forward to see
if anyone has a solution.
I have an application that is very short lived but is run many times. It's
invoked by an external scheduling and orchestration application that can only
run the application by constru