Hola a todos, 

Este martes 8 de Septiembre a las 12:00 (Argentina - Brasil) en el marco 
del seminario de Lógica Iberoamericana por Zoom: 

Nicolás Clerbout (Universidad de Valparaiso - Chile), "Dialogical pluralism 
in hindsight"

Rohan French recently offered an interesting discussion on how a dialogical 
account of logical consequence may give rise to a certain form of logical 
pluralism. His proposal is rooted in the "Built-in Opponent" conception of 
deduction proposed by Catarina Dutilh Novaes, and is formulated while 
taking Rosanna Keefe's challenge for pluralist positions into account. In 
this talk we will discuss dialogical pluralism from a different perspective 
as we will understand it as it stemmed from some developments -  which took 
place during the 90s and 2000s - of Paul Lorenzen's initial work. We will 
present the main features of the framework and discuss how they open 
interesting routes towards pluralism. We will also introduce some 
considerations on the scope and limits of dialogical pluralism.

Los datos de la reunión son: 
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ID de reunión: 825 8061 7822
Código de acceso: 197764

Abrazo, E

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