(01) 1.53 Journal of Philosophical Logic (Springer)  Qualis CAPES A1
(02) 1.07 Logica Universalis (Birkhäuser)   Qualis CAPES A1
(03) 1.01 Logic Journal of the IGPL (Oxford / Gabbay)  Qualis CAPES A1
(04) 0.84 Journal of Logic, Language and Information (Springer)
(05) 0.83 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (Elsevier)
(05) 0.83 Journal of Logic and Computation (Oxford /  Gabbay)
(07) 0.79 Journal of Mathematical Logic (World Scientific)
(08) 0.73 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics  (Taylor and Francis)
(09) 0.70 Journal of Symbolic Logic (Cambridge / ASL)
(09) 0.70 Studia Logica  (Springer)
(11) 0.64 Informal Logic (Canada)
(11) 0.64 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic (Notre Dame, USA)
(13) 0.57 Review of Symbolic Logic (Cambridge /  ASL)
(14) 0.55 Bulletin of Symbolic Logic (Cambridge / ASL )
(15) 0.54 Journal of Applied Logic (College Publications  / Gabbay)
(16) 0.52 Algebra and Logic (Springer / Russian Academy of Science)
(17) 0.50 Bulletin of the Section of Logic (U.Lodz, Poland)
(18) 0.49 History and Philosophy of Logic (Taylor and Francis)
(19) 0.46 Logic and Logical Philosophy (U.Torun, Poland)
(20) 0.41 Archive for Mathematical Logic (Springer)
(21) 0.38 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (Wiley)
(22) 0.26 Logique et Analyse (Logic Association, Belgium)
(23) 0.22 Logical Investigations (Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia)
(24) 0.20 Journal of Logic Analysis (U.Carnegie Mellon / ASL)
(25) 0.15 Reports on Mathematical Logic  (U. Krakow, Poland)

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