The next session of the Logica Universalis Webinar will be November 15 at
4pm CET (Meio dia em Brasília)
Speaker:  Alexander De Klerck,  KU Leuven, Belgium
Title  "Morphisms between Aristotelian Diagrams"
Abstract: In logical geometry, Aristotelian diagrams are studied in a
precise and systematic way. Although there has recently been a good
amount of progress in logical geometry, it is still unknown which underlying
mathematical framework is best suited for formalizing the study of
these diagrams. Hence, in this paper, the main aim is to formulate such
a framework, using the powerful language of category theory. We build
multiple categories, which all have Aristotelian diagrams as their objects,
while having different kinds of morphisms between these diagrams.
The categories developed here are assessed according to their ability to
generalize previous work from logical geometry as well as their interesting
category-theoretical properties. According to these evaluations,
the most promising category has as its morphisms those functions on
fragments that increase in informativity on both the opposition and
relations. Focusing on this category can significantly increase
the effectiveness of further research in logical geometry.

Associate organization/project:
STARTDIALOG  (ERC project) - Towards a Systematic Theory of Aristotelian
Diagrams in Logical Geometry
presented by its director Lorenz Demey

Chair: Srećko Kovač, Editorial Board LU

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Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor-in-Chief Logica Universalis
Organizer Logica Universalis Webinar

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