Bath-Bristol Workshop Crosses the Atlantic

24th July 2017

In Bristol. Room TBC.
Organised by Can Baskent

1400: Juliana Bueno-Soler - Popper's Conditional Probability, Negation
and Consistency
1445: Walter Carnielli - Consistency, possibilistic, and necessitistic measures
1530: Break
1545: Rohit Parikh - An Epistemic Generalization of Rationalizability
1630: End


Consistency, possibilistic, and necessitistic measures

Walter Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science and
Department of Philosophy
State University of Campinas- Unicamp

Possibility and necessity theories rival with probability in
representing uncertain knowledge, while offering a more qualitative
view of uncertainty. Moreover, necessity and possibility measures
constitute, respectively, lower and upper bounds for probability
measures, with the advantage of avoiding the complications of the
notion of probabilistic independence.

On the other hand, paraconsistent formal systems, especially the
Logics of Formal Inconsistency, are capable of quite carefully
expressing the circumstances of reasoning with contradictions. In
connection to this, a calculus for reasoning with conflicting
evidence, LETj, was proposed by (Carnielli & Rodrigues 2016). The aim
of this talk is to merge these ideas, by precisely defining new
notions of possibility and necessity theories involving the concept of
consistency (inspired in (Besnard & Lang 1994)) based on the
paraconsistent and paracomplete logic Cie, connecting them to the
notion of partial and conclusive evidence. This will also work as an
attempt to fill the gap on the formal evidence interpretation for the
logic LETj. At the same time, this combination permits a whole
treatment of contradictions, both local and global, including a
gradual handling of the notion of contradiction, thus obtaining a
really useful tool for AI and machine learning, with potential
applications in logic programming via appropriate resolution rules.

Popper's Conditional Probability, Negation and Consistency

Juliana Bueno-Soler
School of Technology
Limeira Campus
State University of Campinas –UNICAMP

Popper' s Conditional Probability, Negation and Consistency Juliana
Bueno-Soler School of Technology Limeira Campus State University of
Campinas –UNICAMP The concept of conditional probability is a
formidable tool for describing the influence of one event on another
and plays a fundamental role in the theory of probability. The usual
Kolmogorovian definition based on a ratio is too restrictive and prone
to paradoxes, even when dealing with probabilities based on
non-classical logics.

Several axiomatizations of probability theory taking into account the
concept of conditional probability as a primitive notion have been
proposed in an attempt to save the key idea of conditional
probability, K. Popper's proposal being the most successful. This
paper proposes an extension of Popper's account founded on
paraconsistency, by defining a wide notion of conditional probability
based on the Logics of Formal Inconsistency. This leads to an
interesting new theory of paraconsistent conditional probability which
naturally reduces to the standard Popperian axiomatization when events
are taken as consistent, and further reduces to ordinary probability

An Epistemic Generalization of Rationalizability

Rohit Parikh
Department of Computer and Information Science
Brooklyn College

Rationalizability, originally proposed by Bernheim and Pearce,
generalizes the notion of Nash equilibrium. Nash equilibrium requires
common knowledge of strategies. Rationalizability only requires common
knowledge of rationality. However, their original notion assumes that
the payoffs are common knowledge.
We generalize the original notion of rationalizability to consider
situations where agents do not know what world they are in, or where
some know but others do not know. Agents who know something about the
world can take advantage of their superior knowledge. It may also
happen that both Ann and Bob know about the world but Ann does not
know that Bob knows. How might they act?
We will show how a notion of rationalizability in the context of
partial knowledge, represented by a Kripke structure, can be

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Walter Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and the History of Science and
Department of Philosophy
State University of Campinas –UNICAMP
13083-859 Campinas -SP, Brazil
Phone: (+55) (19) 3521-6517
Institutional e-mail:

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