(Postando a pedido dos editores) 

Feel free to disseminate. Apologies for duplicates. 


Dear EBL 2017 participant, 

We are very happy to announce the opening of the Call for Papers for 
the Proceedings of the EBL 2017, to be published as an special issue 
of the South American Journal of Logic. 

All contributing authors from the EBL 2017 are invited to submit a 
full version of their EBL 2017 paper presented at the conference, as 
well as papers of general interest within the conference themes. 

This invitation is also extended to the EBL 2017 keynote speakers and 
tutorialists, who can submit papers related to their talks at the 
conference or papers of general interest within the conference themes. 

Submissions will be subjected to the usual refereeing process adopted by the 
South American Journal of Logic (SAJL). We kindly ask the authors to 
prepare their manuscripts following author's guide at the webpage of 
the SAJL: 

Authors of contributions containing a markedly philosophical content 
will be kindly invited to publish their articles in a special issue of 

Please send an email to ebl2017submiss...@gmail.com content: 
- the full names and the affiliation of all authors; 
- an attached file with your manuscript, without names and affiliation 
(since the refereeing process will be by "double blind peer review"). 

* Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2018. 
* Decision notifications: December 20, 2018. 
* Deadline for submissions of revised papers: January 10, 2018 
* Proof copies sent to authors: January 31, 2019 
* Authors submission of camera ready papers: February 11, 2019 
* Proceedings published online: February 11, 2019 
* Proceedings published (estimated): March 8, 2019 

Sincerely yours, 
The editors: 
Wagner de Campos Sanz, Jonas Becker, Daniel Ventura, Hugo Luiz Mariano 

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