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From: Erik Palmgren <>
Date: Fri, Nov 18, 2016 at 5:34 AM
Subject: [PT] Third Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS) 2017, First

Third Nordic Logic Summer School (NLS) 2017,  First Announcement

Stockholm, August 7 - 11, 2017

The third Nordic Logic Summer School is arranged under
the  auspices of the Scandinavian Logic Society
( The two previous schools
were organized in Nordfjordeid, Norway (2013) and
Helsinki (2015). The intended audience is advanced master
students, PhD-students, postdocs and experienced researchers
wishing to learn the state of the art in a particular subject. The
school is co-located with Logic Colloquium 2017 (14-20 August)
and Computer Science Logic 2017 (21-24 August).

The school will consist of 10 five-hour courses, running in two
parallel streams. In addition, there will be short student
presentations and poster sessions.

Lecturers and courses

The following lecturers and course topics are confirmed.

Mirna Dzamonja (Univeristy of East Anglia) -- Set Theory

Martin Escardo (Birmingham) -- Topological and Constructive
Aspects of Higher-Order Computation

Henrik Forssell (Oslo) -- Categorical Logic

Volker Halbach (Oxford) -- Formal Theories of Truth

Larry Moss (Indiana University, Bloomington) -- Natural Logic

Anca Muscholl (LaBRI, Université Bordeaux) -- Logic in Computer
Science - Control and Synthesis, from a Distributed Perspective

Eric Pacuit (University of Maryland) -- Logic and Rationality

Peter Pagin and Dag Westerståhl (Stockholm University)
-- Compositionality

Sara L. Uckelman (Durham) -- Medieval Logic

Andreas Weiermann (Ghent) -- Proof Theory

Certificates for participation will be provided. There will be
possibilities to take official credits for some of the courses.

Venue: Kräftriket Campus, Stockholm University.

Important dates


Registration opens: March 6, 2017
Early registration: June 2, 2017
Late registration:  August 4, 2017.

Submission of abstracts for presentations and posters

Opening: March 6, 2017
Closing: May 2, 2017
Notification of acceptance: May 16, 2017

The registration fee will be at most 2000 SEK (approx 200 Euros) per
participant, and includes lunches, coffee breaks and conference materials.
It does not cover accommodation, but there will special offers at
hostels and hotels (in the range 700 -1200 SEK/night for single rooms,
and much lower for shared hostel rooms) available when the registration
opens. Some participation/fee waiver grants may be available.

Further information

Further information about submissions, registration
and accommodation possibilities will (in due time)
be available on the NLS webpage:



Program Committee of NLS 2017:

Thierry Coquand (Göteborg), Ali Enayat (Göteborg),
Mai Gehrke (IRIF, Paris), Nina Gierasimczuk (Copenhagen),
Valentin Goranko (Stockholm U), Lauri Hella (Tampere),
Lars Kristiansen (Oslo), Juha Kontinen (Helsinki),
Øystein Linnebo (Oslo), Sara Negri (Helsinki),
Erik Palmgren (chair, Stockholm U).

Local Organizing Committee of NLS 2017:

Valentin Goranko (co-chair), Dilian Gurov, Roussanka Loukanova,
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, Anders Lundstedt, Erik Palmgren (co-chair).

Valeria de Paiva

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