The next session of the Logica Universalis Webinar will be Wednesday
October 4 at 4pm CET

Speaker: Gabriele Pulcini,   University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Title: Complementary Proof Nets for Classical Logic
Abstract: A complementary system for a given logic is a proof system whose
theorems are exactly the formulas that are not valid according to the logic
in question. This article is a contribution to the complementary proof
theory of classical propositional logic. In particular, we present a
complementary proof-net system, CPN, that is sound and complete with
respect to the set of all classically invalid (one-side) sequents. We also
show that cut elimination in CPN enjoys strong normalization along with
strong confluence (and, hence, uniqueness of normal forms).

Presentation of the special issue or Logica Universalis on Rejection
by Alex Citkin
Workshop at the 7th World Congress and School on Universal Logic
100 Years of Refutation in Logic

Chair: Ioannis Vandoulakis
Vice-President of LUA (Logica Universalis Organization) <>

Everyone is welcome to attend, register here:
Jean-Yves Beziau
Editor-in-Chief Logica Universalis
Organizer of the  Logica Universalis Webinar

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