
O seminário mensal FoMoLo iniciou no final do ano passado e já teve
palestras de seis professores especialistas na temática. Agora, os
organizadores abriram espaço também para estudantes, da graduação ao
doutorado, apresentarem seus trabalhos. Pode ser uma oportunidade
interessante de receber críticas e sugestões de especialistas na área. A
seguir, a chamada oficial:

"Dear seminar participants,

As mentioned at the start of the previous session, we are planning to
organise some online student talks during the summer. The idea is to host
talks tailored explicitly to students (Bachelor/Master/PhD) who are
interested in delving into or have already worked in first-order modal

Each speaker will have around 15-30 minutes to introduce a topic or an
idea. There is no expectation of any novel results, this can simply be
something they have found particularly interesting or a project they have
recently worked on.

The first round of student talks is planned for *1 July* and *12 August

If you are a student interested in giving a talk or have any questions,
please send us an email *by* *13 May* with a potential topic to
contact.fom...@gmail.com. The exact title and topic can be decided later

If you have any students yourself or know of a colleague with potentially
interested students, we encourage you to forward this email or direct them
to our website:


Best wishes,
Clara & Dominik"

João Mendes

*Bacharel em Tecnologia da Informação - UFRN*
*Bacharelando em Ciência da Computação - UFRN*
*Mestrando em Sistemas e Computação - UFRN*

Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica 
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