
Segue abaixo convite para seminário online da Escola de Matemática Aplicada da 
FGV, nesta quinta-feira as 16h. Valeria irá falar de GraphKR, uma abordagem 
para 'meaning representation’ de linguagens naturais. 

Seminário é aberto, link para inscrição no final do email, peço que repassem e 
ajudem na divulgação.



Titulo: GraphKR Semantic Parsing for Portuguese
Palestrante: Valeria de Paiva

Semantic parsing to construct graphical meaning representations is an active 
topic of research at the moment. Representation languages such as AMR, Alexa 
Meaning Language, Deep Universal Dependencies are some examples and these are 
getting more accurate as time goes by, and more annotations are 
accumulated.Traditional, old fashioned Natural Language Understanding uses 
logic and knowledge representation to build-up meaning representations, that 
are more useful, as one can reason with them. But these have a reputation for 
being brittle, hard to build and not easy to improve. We would like hybrid 
systems that keep the best of both worlds.

Three broad approaches have been attempted to combine distributional and 
structural/symbolic aspects of meaning representation construction: a) 
injecting linguistic features into distributional representations, b) injecting 
distributional features into symbolic representations or c) combining 
structural and distributional features in the final representation. This work 
focuses on an example of the third and less studied approach: it extends the 
Graphical Knowledge Representation (GKR) of Crouch and Kalouli to include 
distributional features and proposes a division of semantic labour between the 
distributional and structural/symbolic features.

While the work presented last year proposed two extensions of GKR to clearly 
show this division of labour and empirically test one of the proposals on an 
NLI dataset with hard compositional pairs, in this talk we discuss the 
possibilities and difficulties of extending this work from English to 

GKR demo online at

Valeria de Paiva is a mathematician and computer scientist based in Cupertino, 
CA. She's working on a 'stealth' start-up in Berkeley, the Topos Institute, 
while 'visiting' the Department of Informatica, PUC-Rio de Janeiro. She worked 
as a Principal Scientist at Samsung Research America, and as a senior applied 
scientist at Nuance Communications, Sunnyvale, CA. Earlier she was at Rearden 
Commerce and she was a search analyst at Cuil, Inc. in Menlo Park, CA. Before 
that, she was a research scientist at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of 
PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), California (2000-2008). She received her 
Ph.D. in Mathematics from Cambridge University in 1988 for work on "Dialectica 
Categories", under Martin Hyland's supervision, and has ever since worked on 
logical approaches to computation, especially using Category Theory.


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