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É com prazer que destaco um artigo do professor e amigo Amirouche Moktefi que 
vai sair numa coleção em homenagem ao John Woods e cujo resumo trago aqui. 
(Quem quiser pode ler uma versão preliminar dele na

No artigo em comento, a ideia de “Social Shaping” corresponde à de interação 
social, o que não é reduzir a Ciência às hipóteses sociológicas, mas tomar como 
ponto de partida que se trata de uma construção empreendida por um coletivo, no 
meio do qual alguns se sobressaem mais ou menos.

The Social Shaping of Modern Logic
Natural Arguments: A Tribute to John Woods, 2019By      
Amirouche Moktefi
Traditional accounts of the history of logic seldom record the difficulties and 
obstacles that symbolic logic faced in its early development. We are more often 
offered a ‘modern success story’, to borrow an expression of George 
Englebretsen (1996, 53), where discoveries and innovations were accumulated by 
various logicians, hence leading to what is known as modern logic. This 
narrative makes hardly any room for the social shaping of symbolic logic as a 
discipline of its own. A close look shows that early symbolic logicians hardly 
formed a tradition or a school. They rather developed rival logical systems, 
theories and notations. By the end of the nineteenth century, symbolic 
logicians were still in minority and one can hardly say that they formed a 
community. Many invested symbolic logic as amateurs and outsiders who did not 
have the influence of the holders of the philosophy and mathematics positions 
with whom they fought. 

In the following, we will briefly expose three disputes in the early stages of 
symbolic logic. They illustrate the long road to recognition that the new ideas 
had to undertake. Each of these disputes is well-known among historians of 
logic and we will not engage in a thorough discussion of the issues that are 
debated. Our attention will rather focus on the social interaction between the 
opponents and how the conduct and outcome of each dispute were to some extent 
shaped by the disciplinary and institutional positions of the opponents. The 
first dispute opposed Hugh MacColl and William Stanley Jevons. It illustrates 
the rivalry between symbolic logicians themselves. In the second dispute, 
Charles L. Dodgson, alias Lewis Carroll, faces the opposition of the 
philosopher John Cook Wilson. Finally, the third dispute sketches the 
well-known argument on logicism between Louis Couturat and the mathematician 
Henri Poincaré.

Most problems of teaching are not problems of growth but helping cultivate 
growth. As far as I know, and this is only from personal experience in 
teaching, I think about ninety percent of the problem in teaching, or maybe 
ninety-eight percent, is just to help the students get interested. 
Noam Chomsky 

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