Logica Universalis Webinar
March 27, 2024 at 4pm CET

Speaker: José M. Sagüillo
Department of Philosophy, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Title: "The philosophy of logic of John Corcoran"
Abstract: "This talk  surveys the philosophy of logic of John Corcoran by
focusing on some of its characteristic themes: his understanding of logic
as formal epistemology articulating the ontic-epistemic distinction of
classical metaphysics, the Socratic belief-knowledge distinction, and the
Aristotelian truth-knowledge distinction; his conception of mathematical
logic as instrumental when considering mathematical logics as models of
underlying reasoning found in the practice of proof; his tireless search
for a careful and successful communication in a community of thinkers
eliminating ambiguity of key terms and embracing ethical values; his
discussion of argumentations and logic as a philosophical realization of
the previous dichotomies, allowing precise definitions of key concepts,
such as, argument, argumentation, proof, deduction, fallacy, and paradox;
finally, his recovering and articulation of the XIX century
information-theoretic conception of validity, exploring its heuristic power
in the study of omega arguments and suggesting the existence of different
paradigms of logical consequence equally entrenched in the theory and
practice of logic."

Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth
Essays in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021)
Presented by the editors of the book: Timothy Madigan and Jean-Yves Beziau

Chair : Francesco Paoli, Editorial Board SUL

Everybody is welcome to join, register here:
Founder, Editor, Organizer  LU / SUL / LUW

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