Further to my call for history about the last 25 years of Perl (if you missed the brief is: it I am seeking stories from the last 25 years of Perl - get them to me now people), and I want your personal stories here people I would also like any photos, including weird, the wonderful and the mundane.

I desperately need you all to help, if your story is "I have only done this for 6 weeks and been to one PM meeting with a terrible phone-camera image", " want it and I want how you are to be credited.

I will pay with a lot of karma and thanks, I am also open to bribes.

You may include blackmail images :)

Thanks in Advance


Mark Keating BA (Hons), Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder.
Managing Director: http://www.shadow.cat
For more that I do visit: http://www.mdk.me

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