Στις 26/07/2013 09:22 μμ, ο/η Mike Cammilleri έγραψε:
> Also, iftop on the LTSP server shows ~90Mb/s throughput when I run a
> youtube video. That translates to roughly 12 Megabytes per second. I
> would think thats not a lot for the switch? The speed of the ethernet
> card on the LTSP server is
Also, iftop on the LTSP server shows ~90Mb/s throughput when I run a
youtube video. That translates to roughly 12 Megabytes per second. I
would think thats not a lot for the switch? The speed of the ethernet
card on the LTSP server is set at 100mb/s, so thats roughly 12
megabytes. So I guess th
Thin-clients work pretty well at this point for us. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS,
and using Zotac Mini-PC ZBOX-ID41
I realize that streaming audio and video over the network is taxing, but
I'm a bit surprised that one low-res youtube video makes everything