
Rolf-Werner Eilert schrieb am 13.04.2017 16:51:
> would you say running a separate Windows Server makes more sense than 
> including Win-Applications via Wine into the fat client image?
> I have never had a Windows Server OS and we used to include the 
> M$-Office apps via Crossover and Wine, so I wonder wether running one 
> Linux server plus one MS server would perform so much better it's worth 
> the effort.

if Wine and Crossover serve you well keep them.
My experience with one Windows Terminalserver in our LAN is quite good. With
little effort you can provide the M$-Windows applications seamlessly on the
Linux desktops. Though you have to own the M$-TS license and connect licenses
for the clients.


Helmut Lichtenberg     <>    Tel.: 05034/871-5128
Institut für Nutztiergenetik (FLI)         31535 Neustadt          Germany

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