maybe is because Blender GUI is totaly rendered using OpenGL

Michał Mielczyński wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've done quick search but couldn't find information about my problem.

At scool - where I'm teaching - we just have made fresh installation of ltsp xterminals with terminal server (plus separate file server) on two Xeons 2.8GHz and 2 GB RAM. Terminals are old HP Vectra with S3Trio graphics card (which work after reconfiguration on Xorg4.x) and few Celerons 300MHz with Ati 3DRage (could probably work with some local apps, but this is very fresh installation, I just started to configure details)

Everything seems to work fine and very fast with QT/KDE and GTK/Gnome applications, but when it comes to Blender or Openoffice I have major problem with menus. Every time I try to open menu (in Openoffice even when I'm moving mouse over icons on toolbars) I have _noticable_ slowdowns (jamming). I guess something is rapidly exchanging information over the terminal and server (as I can see it on network card's leds) but the question is:

is there any cure for that?

If someone of you had/have similar problems (or solution for thant) PLEASE let me know. Lessons starts next week, so by this time I would love to have all apps ready to go. I hoped LTSP would be perfect solution for scools - but with such slowdowns I start to doubt if upgrading our computer classroom was worthy all that money. It all has happened in last few days, I don't know anything about other applications behaving like those two, but probably there's more.

Server runs Mandrake 10.1 and LTSP 4.1. I have no sound configured yet, neither 3D accelerations which I planned to do later (after exchanging graphics cards on terminals).

Or maybe I just expect too much of thin clients? Hmm, like I said: every KDE and Gnome application (like Gimp with 132 MB bitmap) runs like a charm, _very_ quick and smooth, so I expected OO and Blender to work at decent speed (at least).

Thank you all for your time and help
best regards

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