we use 2 server ltsp-server (not standalone) for several years to ten light 
post in the company. (they are on ubuntu)however, we have a recurring problem 
that we can not solve the usb devices, which must be quite complicated 
manipulations:- Cameras canon (the card works only in fat 16) one is forced to 
use a card reader- The android phones (Samsung brand) that can not connect 
(just the external card with a card reader)- Especially a screen calibrator 
colormunky to calibrate the screen I have to boot from a live usb, screen size 
and save profiles on a server and then start the ltsp client and add profiles
These devices are used several times a day (apart the screen calibration 
So, I redo the reverse route: install some computer hard on setting up 
accounts, software, printers, shares, .... (galley)
I try ltsp-pnp and all works perfectly at the usb devices, but I can not 
configure the way I want with several ltsp servers, external dhcp server ... 
(there is not much documentation ltsp-pnp)
Do you think it is possible to have the functionality of a ltsp-pn on  
ltsp-sever for usb devices ?
Thank you for your advice (sorry for grammar and spelling, I hardly speak 
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