The X.Org foundation is planning its first European Developers Meeting
right before LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The dates of the dev meeting are:   June 19 & 20, 2005

More information can be found on the wiki, here's a direct link to
the announcement:

I'm sending this message to the LTSP list, because X is such an
important part of how LTSP works, and also because I'm on the board of
directors of, my fellow board members asked if I'd extend the
invitation to people in the LTSP community.

Unfortunately, I won't be there in Karlsruhe.  We've planned our family
vacation for that same weekend, and I'll be at David Trask's Linux
conference in Bethel Maine on June 20th.

I have attended a couple of these developers meetings, and
they've been a great experience.  If you are able to get to Karlsruhe, I
highly recommend the dev meeting.

AND, it's free of charge.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Leon Shiman. his
email address is:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jim McQuillan

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