
I'm trying to enable local media support, specifically cdrom. I followed the procedure as described at http://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LocalMedia but the drive doesn't seen to be getting mounted on the smb share.

When I run:
ls /tmp/drives/cdrom

from a shell on SCREEN_02 as instructed I get the following:
modprobe: Note:/etc/modules.conf is more recent than /lib/modules.2.4.26-ltsp-2/modules.dep
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module udf

I have run ltspadmin - v0.14 and it reports the status of all components as 'Installed - Up to date'. (including ltsp_localdev).

Is this why the cd is not mounted?  'mount' tells me:
none on /tmp/drives/cdrom type supermount (ro,dev=cdrom,fs=auto,tray_lock=onwrite)

Should I get udf from http://sourceforge.net/projects/linux-udf/ and load it myself? I would have thought is would be included in the ltsp packages.

Paul O'Rorke


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