Quoting Mohd Ikhwan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Any ideas how to setup LTSP in a multi homed environment. I mean lets say
> we
> have maybe 10 servers running and we have set of users assigned to
> different
> servers. If they were to use a different work station that is not homed to
> their default they can't login. Any suggestion on how to allow users to
> change the server they logon to with going through the hassle of changing
> the ltsp.conf

The way I do it is to have X run an indirect query to the server. When you do
this, the server (GDM) runs chooser which gives you a list of hosts to connect to.

To turn on indirect, edit ./ltsp/i386/etc/screen.d/startx. Change the line
that says:

    XF_ARGS="-query ${XDM_SERVER}"


    XF_ARGS="-indirect ${XDM_SERVER}"

This is for LTSP 4. I don't know if 3 is any different.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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