I have code on my LTSP workstation that the LINUX Admin showed me for
the Dept to do IP Nating from an outside IP to an Inside IP. We have
many many out side ip addys and want to map one IP to one internal IP.
Just wondering by looking at the code here if you can help me out?

# for a single IP fro A (internal) to B (external):
# ip rule add from A nat B table main
# ip route add nat B via A table local
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
  echo "ipnatup <insideip> <outsideip>"
  exit 1
echo Rerouting $INSIDE to $OUTSIDE

ip rule add from $INSIDE nat $OUTSIDE table main
ip route add nat $OUTSIDE via $INSIDE table local
ipchains -I forward -d $INSIDE -j ACCEPT
ipchains -I forward -s $OUTSIDE -j ACCEPT


Matt SMeltzer

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