Hi Jim and list,

- I read the wiki about the rsize=8192,wsize=8192 trick in the dhcpd.conf 
file. It works fine.

- However, I seem to remember that I once put that parm into something 
like /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/rc.sysinit (??), can that be true?

- And, would it not work the same way putting the parameters into the 
actual /etc/exports file? This file contains lines that sports a variety of 
parameters anyhow?

Two finals, the ISO and the direct internet install method will yield the same 
result...?, and I seem to recall a discussion about how to prevent users 
selecting different desktop environments in KDM - effectively forcing them to 
stick to KDE - but where ?-)

Again, thank you for your help and the project in general!

Med venlig hilsen/Best regards
Verner Kjærsgaard
Open Source Academy
+45 56964223
+45 2014 5551

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