Title: Wish me luck :-)

Hi all,

Today we (the organisation I work for) are going to show a potential client that LTSP works.

I told the list before and promised to keep you updated so here I go.

The first time they hired me in this organisation, I now work par time for, another party wanted to work on our network and I was told it should be done with MS/Citrix they had the citrix knowledge and I was to connect the remote sites to there network. And it had to be as cheap as possible. I  told them that then Citrix was not the way, but there was also a time factor so there was no time to investigate a GNU/Linux solution.

So I connected 19 remote sites to there network.

1 year later and the IT world going bad they asked me if I was interested to work partime for them still continuing my own business plus there was another party interested in working on there network but was asking if it could be done in another way then the MS/Citrix way.

I'm was (and still am) in heaven as you could imagine.

The other party is coming in today to see a demo we prepared for him and maybe decide if they want to go ahead and do it this way.

I've got an LTSP server, 2 client PC's a Windows 2000 terminal server and 2 printers on a local network and will show them you can run openoffice.org programs and Rdesktop sessions with the client PC's without even knowing that they are not working on that client.

I've got it all working thanks to you guys and the docs on the LTSP site.

If the client gives his okay the next step will be to test a remote set-up:

client <--> firewall/dhcp/ltsp kernel <======> firewall <-->LTSP server

 -- = open line
== = IPSec tunnel

So that will be the next challenge, if that works we probably will get the contract to build this for them.

We are a non profit organisation so we can do with all the savings we can get.

I will post a document when all is done, but for now keep your fingers crossed that they let us go to the next level.

Kind Regards,
Michel van Horssen

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