I have a P60 with 32MB RAM happily running as an LTSP client.  Today,
someone called me over when the LTSP client kept crashing X every time
he went to a particular web site.  The offending site is
http://www.chinatimes.com.  For some reason when Firebird is pointed to
this site, X uses up all the physical memory in a hurry and then, of
course, crashes - I'm using no swap on this machine.  Could this be a
font issue?  Firebird displays the site nicely until X dies.  I'm also
using XFS.  For comparison, just to get a brief idea about how X would
handle many windows I launched Firebird with 6 active tabs, OO Writer,
OO Calc, OO Impress, Gaim, Gimp and another local terminal on tty3 and I
still had 12MB of memory left.  Does anyone know why this might be
happening or have any ideas?

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Description: PGP signature

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