I'm brand new to the LTSP world, and a search of this list
failed to provide any performance information on a LTS
station versus "real" X-terminals. Here I provide some
numbers, using x11perf and Xmark. There was a thread in this
group about "Slow-Motion Benchmarking" but I didn't find any
actual results.

I compared three platforms.

1. The LTS station: Pentium 133MHz, 64 Meg RAM, ATI 2 Meg
RAM video card with a Mach64 CT chipset. Xmark = 3.6124

2. NCD MCX X-terminal: 4.0 Megs code memory, 8.0 Megs data
memory. Xmark = 1.6621

3. NCD Explora 450 X-terminal: 8.0 Megs code memory. These
are my best terminals. Xmark = 4.0188

We all know that benchmarks provide a very imperfect measure
of real-world performance. However, these numbers do roughly
correspond to the way these units "feel" doing the things my
users usually do: Netscape, Mathematica, etc. If anything
the gap between the LTS station and the MCX terminals is
subjectively larger than the numbers indicate.

The machine these were connected to is sort of irrelevant
for these tests, but in case you want to know it is a Dell
6300 with dual Xeon processors, 1 Gig of RAM, a nearly plain
vanilla Red Hat 7.1 GNU/Linux, 100BaseT network. Also in
case you want to know, we serve about 1500 undergraduate
Physics students at the University of Toronto.

I have about 30 X-terminals on my subnet, some of which are
over 10 years old. (Anybody remember the 17c? We're still
using them.) They are falling apart faster than we can fix
them. So being able to use ancient old PCs to replace them
and get a performance boost at the same time has made me a
very happy camper. Thanks to those who have done all the
work on the LTSP.

-- David

n:Harrison;David M.
tel;fax:416 978 1547
tel;work:416 978 2977
org:University of Toronto;Department of Physics
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Lecturer
adr;quoted-printable:;;Room MP121C=0D=0A60 St. George St.;Toronto;Ontario;M5S 1A7;Canada
fn:David M. Harrison

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